Back From Mission's

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Ruby was asleep in class.

Stacy didn't fail to notice this. In Fact, Ruby's been sleeping in class quite a bit that day.

Stacy: 'is she okay? She's been sleeping alot today.'

It was the day after their missions, and Stacy, even though she was a little tired, she could stay awake during class.

Unlike Ruby, who was sound asleep.

Stacy: 'then again, I didn't get much sleep last night myself.'

While Stacy was looking at Ruby, the words of her teacher, professor port, started to fade, as a certain memory intruded her thoughts.

'Y/n started to unsheath his katana again, while turning around to face her.

Y/n: but you've made your choice.

Y/n finally turned around to look at her. They both looked eachother in the eye, though she did notice that the iris of his eye looked different.

Y/n: and I've made mine.

Y/n had his katana raised to strike.

Y/n: all hail Deaths Hand!'

Port: miss l/n!

Stacy jumped at the voice, before realising that the voice came from her teacher, and looked at them.

Port: please, pay attention! The same goes to you, miss Rose!

Stacy looked to see Ruby now awake.

Port: Now, as I was saying, the beowolves were feroucious, and as I was holding the young child In my arms...

Ports words eventually fade into the background, as they always did.


The final Class of the day had just ended, the students walking around with their friends, going back to their dorms, or going outside to hang out.

Stacy however, was walking up to Ruby, hoping to talk with her, and find out why she's been sleeping in classes.

Stacy: hey, Ruby!

Ruby turned around to look at her, seeing Stacy waving as she walked over to her, causing ruby to look slightly annoyed.

Stacy eventually reached her, no longer waving.

Stacy: are you okay Ruby?

Ruby: yeah, why?

After saying that, she let out a yawn.

Stacy: because you've been sleeping in class all day today.

Ruby: oh, that.

They both started walking.

Ruby: well, that's because of the mission me and my team went on yesterday.

Stacy wasn't all that surprised.

Stacy: but didn't they let you sleep?

Ruby: yeah, he did. But, I kind of got captured by the white fang, and had to help stop a bunch of bombs from going off.

Stacy was shocked when she heard this.

Stacy: You Had To Stop Bomb's?!

Her exclamation had caught the attention of all of the students in the hallway, causing them all to look at her and Ruby.

Stacy quickly realised this, and grew nervous with all of the people looking at her.

She didn't fail to notice that Ruby was the same.

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