Black And Blue

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Slade: and remember, only intervene if necessary.

Adam, who was currently talking with a holographic projection of Slade, nodded.

Adam: yes, I understand. Only get involved if he gets angry, I know.

Slade let out a sigh.

Slade: good, just making sure. We don't want repeat of last time.

Adam: don't worry about it. I can guarantee that won't happen again.

Slade: alright. I've got to go now. All hail Deaths hand.

After saying that, the hologram of Slade disappeared back into a circular device, with Deathshot's symbol in the middle of it.

Adam let out a sigh, as he picked up the device.

Adam: Sienna is going to be pissed with how much time I'm taking off recently.

He then looked over to the entrance of the tent he was in, seeing slight silhouettes of other members of the White Fang.

Adam: not only that, but other members of the Fang are going to be questioning my dedication to the cause.

Looking away from the entrance, he let a frustrated sigh escape his mouth, before sitting in a chair.

Hearing heavy footsteps outside the tent, Adam looked up to the entrance, seeing his lieutenant walking inside, before saluting to him.

Lieutenant: Commander Taurus!

Adam stood up, his body tense, as the lieutenant stopped saluting.

Adam: what is it, Lieutenant? Is something wrong?

Lieutenant: no, everything's fine. However, the raid will be in an hour.

Adam nodded at him, relaxing his muscles, before turning around to look at a map on the wall.

Adam: prepare the troops. We leave in twenty minutes.

Lieutenant: yes, Commander Taurus.

Adam: enough with the formalities. Calling me Adam is fine.

Lieutenant: I'm afraid I cannot comply with such an order, Commander.

Adam raised an eyebrow at that.

Adam: and why not?

Lieutenant: for me, i respect you too much. I assume the same for the rest of the White Fang.

Adam shook his head, letting out a quiet chuckle.

Adam: sorry to say, but I believe your respect is misplaced.

The Lieutenant raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Lieutenant: why do you believe that? In case you haven't noticed, you have saved hundreds, maybe even thousands of lives. You are a hero, not only to the White Fang, but to all of the Faunus that you have freed from those mines.

Adam simply looked down, specifically at a little rabbit plush, deep in thought.

'a faunus was whipped by one of the overseers of the mine, the crack of the whip causing the nearby faunus and powerless to cringe. The overseer then stopped the whippings, and turned to everyone else in the mine.

Overseer: that's what happens when animals start acting out! You rejects got that?!

The overseer didn't stay to hear their response, whipping the poor faunus one more time before walking away, a smirk plastered on their face.

Watching all of this in the corner, was a seven year old Adam taurus, wearing nothing but rags and Chains, an aura suppressing  collar on his neck, and covered in dirt. He was currently gritting his teeth in anger, his hands clenching the pickaxe in his hands.

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