Return After 3 Months

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It's been 3 Months since y/n had left. Not much has happened since, other than the students celebrating, thinking he was dead.

Unions headmasters, to save the image of their school, set out missing person posters across the entire city. Though in reality they didn't really care that he was missing.

Izumi was still broken up with katsuki, and was not on good terms with the rest of class-1A.

With ruby, she has had several arguments with her team, sometimes resulting in fights, and no longer talks to them, unless they're in battle.

As for team JNPR, ren had gotten into an argument with her team and has now stopped interacting with her team entirly, instead only talking with ruby, and no one else.

And Stacy, Instead of hanging out with her friends, she instead stays in her room most of the time, unless it is class, in which she will not talk to anyone, not even her family.

But enough about that, let's get back to the story.

It was a peaceful day In the city of vale, cars moving, people walking to work, and kids going to school.

Or, At least, it should be.

Instead, the city was half destroyed, with corpses everywhere, with a giant white beast, with sharp claws, and the number 666 on its forehead.

This was the 666 beast, trihexa!

Currently, half of union, was lying on the ground, tired from "fighting" it. To be far more accurate, it was just trihexa kicking the shit out of them all.

Izumi: how has it not received any damage yet?

Stacy: I don't know. If we don't defeat this thing soon, everyone will die.

Issie: that can't happen. I haven't become the harem king yet! So, take this, dragon shot!

Issie then shot out a ball of energy, which hit trihexa... And did absolutely nothing.

David: nothings working!

They all looked at the beast, all of them struck with fear, unable to do anything to the beast.

Ozpin: don't worry students, help will be here in 20 minutes.

Qrow: I don't think we'll even last that long Oz!

They all got into a fighting pose, ready to try and harm the beast in some way.

Y/n: oh come on, you're telling me not a single store survived?!

They all paused at the new voice, and looked over to see y/n, wearing casual clothes, with a katana on his back, looking around the place, looking for something.

Everyone: huh?!

Katsuki: 'it's the damn deku!'

Ria's: 'how is he even alive?!'

Weiss: 'i thought it died!'

Stacy: 'brother, you're okay.'

Ren: 'y/n, oh thank the gods you safe'

Asia: 'why am I not surprised that you're here?'

Everyone looked on in surprise, and shock as y/n looked around the area, before finally looking at trihexa.

Y/n: oh... So that's why there are no stores anywhere.

Trihexa then roared at him, causing almost everyone to smirk, thinking that he would die.

Y/n however seemed to be unaffected, waving his right hand Infront of his face.

Y/n: phew, two words. breath. mint.

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