Preparing To Stop An Invasion

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It had been a few days since y/n had his encounter with team JNPR and soundwave. We now see him walking up to a bar, and entering it.

When he walked in, he saw a few people there, having some drinks and enjoying themselves.

y/n then walked up to the bartender, and sat down. The bartender came over to him.

Bartender: sorry, we don't sell to kids.

Y/n leaned over to him and whispered in his ear.

Y/n: all hail Deaths hand.

He then leaned back, the bartender nodding at him, and gave him a key.

Bartender: welcome back, kid.

Y/n nodded at him, before standing up, then walked over to a door, and opened it, then walked in.

Y/n continued down a hall, before stopping. He then turned to the wall, before putting his foot on a button on the floor, causing the wall to split open, revealing a cilinder devive, far bigger then y/n.

Y/n then walked through the now open wall, into the device, turning around to face the wall, before suddenly teleporting away, the wall closing afterwards.

Deaths hand main base

Y/n had just teleported onto a large circular pad, and started to walk through the base, greeting people who congratulated him on his mission.

The base was huge, capable of holding thousands of people all at once, and still have space to spare.

Wade: well, look who it is.

Y/n looked behind him, seeing wade, still in his costume, walking up to him.

Y/n smirked at him.

Y/n: wade! How are you?

Wade: I've been alright. How about you?

Y/n: same, even though the assassination went a bit of course thanks to team JNPR, it went well.

Y/n and wade continued to walk down the base.

Wade: seriously? Wonder what they were there for.

Y/n shrugged.

Y/n: no clue. Probably got something to do with union.

Wade: yeah, probably. Well, it's good to have you back.

Y/n: it's good to be back.

Wade let out a small chuckle.

Y/n: by the way, what have Adam and Winter been up to.

Wade: well, Adam's still keeping an eye on the white fang. Apparently one of the commanders was planning to attack us.

Y/n raised an eyebrow at that.

Y/n: really? That's a surprise, after all, we're advocates for fuannus rights.

Wade: you're telling me. Adam dealt with her though, so it's all good.

Y/n: well, that's good. If she went through with it, the white fang could have become enemies of Deaths hand.

Wade: I know, would have been a pain in the ass to deal with. As for winter, apparently ironwood was told to capture you.

Y/n: what, capture me? Why?

Wade: apparently to bring you back to union. Buuut...

Y/n: he's not going to do that, is he.

Wade: nope. Infact, he's sent out a message telling everyone to kill you on sight.

Y/n: well, nothing new there.

Wade: yup, same old, same old. I'm guessing unions sudden interest in you is a result of your victory against trihexa.

Y/n shrugged again.

Y/n: probably. They never cared before, back when they thought I had no powers, so it makes sense that they would have such an interest in me now.

Finally, wade and y/n stopped walking, standing Infront of a door.

Wade: well, regardless you've heard of cinders plan, right? The one to flood the streets of vale with Grimm?

Y/n: got it yesterday. All we have to do is stop the train they're gonna use, and kill the grimm. Torchwick gave me the coordinates of where the train should be.

Wade: same here, all we need now is permission from the white death to borrow her sector for the mission.

Y/n: we should have her answer by now, all we need to do is show it to them, now.

Wade: good. Anyway, I've got to prepare for tomorrow, see ya!

Wade walked away, waving at y/n as he did so.

Y/n then walked into the room, the room being a high tech looking room, with several weapons hung on the wall, ranging from swords, to guns.

The room had a black bed, with red pillows, several computers around the room, as well as a few devices that look unfinished, as well as a recorder, sitting on a desk, that was a part of the wall, a chair Infront of the desk.

Y/n let out a sigh.

Y/n: man, it feels good to be back. I can finally sleep in my own bed for once.

Y/n then put his hand to his face, before pulling it off, a mask now in his hand, as his clothes disappeared, revealing his armour, as he then put his black and red mask on, then walked over to his desk, sat in his chair, and picked up the recorder.

Y/n: a recorder? She does know that she can just call me, right?

Despite his confusion with the way of communication, y/n pressed play to start the recording.

White death: y/n, I've looked over your plan for using my sector of Deaths hand to stop the grimm, and I have informed them that Adam will lead them during the mission. So yes, you have my permission to borrow them for this mission. And try to make sure that you save as much as you can, I'll be back tomorrow, however I won't be back early enough to help in the mission, so don't think you can rely on me. All hail Deaths hand.

After that, the recording stopped.

Y/n: well, I guess Adam's in charge of her sector then. And since when have I ever relied on you?!

Y/n then put the recorder back on the desk.

Y/n: could have been a bit nicer, I mean come on! I am literally the reason you are even in this world again.

Y/n then let out a sigh

Y/n: whatever, it doesn't matter. Besides, I need to get ready for the mission tomorrow.

Y/n then started to work on the devices on his desk, so that they will be ready for when they are needed.

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