Battle Training

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A/n: so, little authors note at the start here, as I just have a few things I would like to say first.

First of all, I have aged up all of the students from MHA, making them 17, as this makes more sense for the story.

Secondly, I am going to be adding some things to aura, and changing how semblances work, as I have plans for it in the future (I haven't seen if these are canon, so I'm just assuming they aren't).

And finally, I have also realised that I haven't exactly explained what the different fonts mean. Even though you all have more than likely figured it out by now, these are what they mean:



Scene change

Author's note

Alright, now that all of that is out of the way, I'm going to shut up now, and let you continue with the story.

Ruby used her semblance, speeding away from one of Koneko's punches, leaving rose petals behind, before coming to a stop, her cloak blowing from the air pressure from her speed.

She smirked at koneko, as she spun Cresent Rose behind her, the blade of the scythe stabbing into the ground, before she jumped and pulled the trigger on the handle of her scythe, lunching her at Koneko.

However, Koneko simply crossed her arms, blocking the high speed kick from Ruby. However, after landing on Koneko's arms, Ruby backflipped of off her arms, pushing Koneko back, before landing on the ground.

She then used her semblance to quickly rush over to her, appearing in front of her. Koneko, seeing her, tried to punch her, however Ruby then used her semblance again to quickly appear behind her, and was about to hit her opponent with her scythe. however, Koneko had expected this, and proceeded to jump and spin kick Ruby in her jaw, kicking her away, her aura flashing from the hit.

Before she hit the ground, Ruby twisted her body, allowing her to land into a roll. Now in a crouched position, Cresent Rose held behind her, Ruby put a hand to her jaw, feeling pain aching from it. She then smirked at Koneko.

Ruby: nice kick.

Koneko smirked back at her.

Koneko: thanks. You're not doing so bad yourself.

Ruby, still smirking, stood up, as Koneko got into a stance, before she rushed at Koneko, using her semblance, and tripped her with Crescent Rose, before jumping into the air, Crescent Rose held above her. She then pulled the trigger, launching her towards Koneko at breakneck speeds.

Koneko, seeing Ruby being launched at her, quickly rolled to the left, avoiding Ruby's attack, and quickly got to her feet. They both looked at each other, before Koneko quickly ran at her, throwing punches at her, as Ruby kept dodging them, while running backwards.

Ruby then jumped back, making some distance between her and Koneko, before she used her semblance to rush at her, Crescent Rose raised to strike at Koneko, and swung. However, Koneko managed to catch the scythe, and using her superior strength, ripped it from Ruby's hands, with Ruby being thrown away from her. She then threw the scythe away from Ruby's reach.

Looking at Ruby, Koneko saw her getting up, a little disoriented, and quickly ran over to her, fist raised to punch her opponent. Ruby quickly shook her head, and looked to her right, seeing Koneko's fist about to hit her, causing her eyes to widen, before quickly rushing away with her semblance, leaving rose petals behind.

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