Stopping A Grimm Invasion

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The students of union academy were excited, as today they would be able to go on full missions, with someone to look over them, of course.

None was more excited than one Ruby rose, as this will determine how far she had come since she first started to attend union.

She was also in a good mood, as Pyrrha had recently come over to her and ren a few days ago, and apologized for her actions towards y/n in the past, wishing to redeem herself.

Ruby was more than happy to help her, though she would have to apologize to
y/n in person.

Pyrrha had agreed without hesitation.

But back to right now, they were currently in the auditorium, which they then had to listen to another one of ozpin's speeches, basically saying that they would be able to go on missions, with an oversee of course, and she, with her team, were trying to find a specific location for their mission.

Specifically, one in the southeast, as they will be able to infaltrate the white fang base over there.

At least, that was the plan.

Ruby let out a frustrated sigh, the bag on her back moving a little from her movement.

Yang: well, what now?

Ruby: we could mail ourselves there.

Ozpin: an interesting idea.

Team RWBY looked over to see ozpin, causing them to sweat nervously.

Ozpin: though I'm afraid that area is off limits to first years. We have the grimm population there is unnaturally higher than normal, and that first years would not be able to handle it.

Ruby raised an eyebrow.

Ruby: really?

Ozpin nodded.

Ozpin: indeed.

He then smirked.

Ozpin: though, I'm sure that you four will make your way there regardless.

Team RWBY all let out a small, nervous chuckle.

Ozpin: so instead of breaking the rules, why don't we just bend them.

Ozpin then pressed something on a tablet he had, which allowed team RWBY to do the mission.

While Yang, Weiss, and Blake were happy with this, ruby raised an eyebrow.

Ruby: 'why would he allow this? We clearly aren't able to handle it, so why is he letting us go on this mission?'

Despite what ruby thought, her team was ready for the mission, so she went along with them, and went to the landing pad for the bullhead to take them on the mission.

Only to be absolutely shocked when they found out who would be their overseer.

Oobleck: who's ready to fight for their lives!

Their overseer, was one Bartholomew oobleck.

later at night, with Deaths hand

Y/n, wade, Adam, and winter were all wearing their Deaths hand costumes, and were currently in an underground cave, near a train loaded with explosives.

Winter was currently wearing grey trousers, a leather jacket with a hood, the right side being grey, the left being white, with a black stripe going down the back, black combat boots, a blue shirt underneath, and was wearing a black mask that covered her mouth, and left eye, a blue lense over her eye.

Y/n: so, how much time do we have?

At that moment, a crashing sound came from the entrance to the underground cave.

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