Cafeteria Fight

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Ruby walked up to a the table were her friends, and Stacy, were sitting, lunch tray in hand, before sitting down next to Pyrrha. it was currently lunch time, with students all around the cafeteria, either getting their lunch, or eating it, while talking with their friends.

Stacy: so...

Everyone there focused their attention on to Stacy.

Stacy: has anyone got any ideas about what to do when Ren goes on that mission.

Everyone was silent. none of them had managed to come up with a way to get Ren out of the mission, and they hadn't managed to think of a way to sneak her out during it.

Ren then let out a frustrated sigh, catching everyone's attention.

Ren: as much as I hate to say it, we might just have to fight them.

They all thought about what she said, all of them having to begrudgingly agree with her.

Stacy: are we sure there's no peaceful way to sort this out?

Pyrrha shook her head.

Pyrrha: no, there isn't.

Ruby: besides, they made the conscious decision to agree to kill Ren.

Stacy let out a sigh, not liking the idea of fighting her schoolmates.

Stacy: alright, then.

Ruby: good. Now then, if we are to fight them, we need a strategy. Or at the very least, know who should fight who.

They all looked over to Ruby, listening closely to hear what she will say.

Ruby: we'll relay the plan to Asia and Koneko.

She briefly looked over to another table, currently occupied by the ORC. Seeing both Asia and Koneko sitting there, clearly annoyed at Issie, who was gloating about being the harem king, before looking back at her friends.

Ruby: first of, the pervert.

They all grimaced. None of them have had a good experience with said pervert, whether that be him spying on them getting changed, or even sometimes trying to grope their chest, they all had some reason for disliking him.

Safe to say, none of them would miss him.

Ruby: while he might be a perv, that Scale Mail is no joke, especially if used correctly.

They all nodded in agreement, as Ruby smirked.

Ruby: but that's his biggest weakness. He almost never trains, and when he does, he's barely pushing himself at all.

Pyrrha: and because of this, he doesn't know how to use it correctly.

Stacy: not only that...

They all looked over to Stacy.

Stacy: but, I've also heard rumours that draig is no longer helping him get any stronger.

Ruby: that's good. So, onto how we should deal with him.

Stacy: why doesn't Pyrrha fight him? Her semblance is polarity after all.

Ruby: that would be a good match up... If he knew how to use the armour. We can't afford to put Pyrrha against him, as she is the best fighter out of all of us.

Ren: indeed. But, who would be the best to go against him then?

Ruby looked down at the table for a few seconds, thinking hard about it, before looking back up.

Ruby: I think the best combatant is Ren, as she knows martial arts, and has long range attacks if needed. And, if he uses that armour, she should be able to outlast him.

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