Late Night Battle

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All of the students were in union academy's auditorium, currently listening to ozpin, as he had now finished his speech.

Ozpin: and with that, I just want to remind you all to be absolutely certain with the patrols you choose, as this will determine who you will patrol with, and you will not be able to change it later on! Have a good day, all of you!

And with that, ozpin walked of the stage.

After ozpin's speech, the students were talking with eachother, excited for their patrols, hoping that they will get to have some action.

Nora: alright!

Team JNPR were excited to go out and do a patrol, however ren was not as excited, considering the people she will have to do said patrol with.

Pyrrha: calm down Nora, we aren't expected to fight anyone, alright?

Nora: but still, we're going on a mission!

Jaune: relax, guys. Besides, we probably won't even have a chance to fight.

Yang: you guys excited for this as well?

Team JNPR looked to see team RWBY approaching them, though weiss looked upset, and ruby looked uncomfortable.

Jaune: hey guys, and yeah, we are.

Nora: are you guys excited?

Yang: obviously we are.

She then saw ren's unhappy look.

Yang: hey, you okay there ren?

Ren looked at her, then looked away without saying anything.

Yang: okaaay?

Jaune: yeah, she's been like that for a while now. Um, so, what's up with you guys? Why's snow angel so unhappy?

Weiss: ugh, members of Deaths hand attacked a dust mine, just outside kuoh!

Nora: what, seriously?!

Jaune, Pyrrha, and Nora was taken aback. Even ren was interested.

Pyrrha: why would they do that?

Weiss: because they are pure evil! And that's not even the bad part! The bad part, is that the attack consisted of Deadpool, Deathshot, and the Scarlet rose!

Jaune, Pyrrha, and Nora gasped in shock, with ren looking on, just as shocked.

Nora: what?!

Jaune: they sent those three?!

Blake: probably so that things went smoothly.

Jaune: probably. Anyway, we should get going, we still have to select a route to patrol.

Yang: yeah, us too. So, see ya's!

Team RWBY then walked away.

Team JNPR walked up to one of the screens with a bunch of patrol routes to select.

Jaune was looking over the options for patrol routes, until he spotted one in kuoh.

Jaune: hey guys, look.

Jaune pointed to the patrol, as the rest of team JNPR looked at where he was pointing.

Pyrrha: a patrol route in kuoh? Wait, you're not thinking what I think you're thinking, right?

Jaune: maybe if we capture Deathshot, Weiss will go out with me.

Nora: he is.

Ren 'he's a fucking idiot. Even if he somehow managed to capture Deathshot, Weiss wouldn't love him. She would just love his power. Power that he very clearly lacks, and it's not like he's making up for it with skill. He only just got his aura'

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