Aftermath Of A Stopped Invasion

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The halls of Deaths hand were calm, silent, peaceful, the members walking around the base, some just waking up, and others were going to bed.

Such peace was rare within such a place.

White death: are you all fucking idiots?!

Until there was a scream full of rage.

Currently y/n, Adam, Winter, and Wade were sat on some chairs in a room, still wearing their suits, the white death Infront of them, with a disappointed look on her face.

Y/n: well, to be fair, we did save at least half of them.

The white death then looked at him.

White death: oh, you saved half of them? What about the other half, hmm?

Y/n just sunk into his chair more, as well as the rest of them.

The white death was about to scream at them again.

???: That's enough Summer.

Before she was interrupted.

Summer: and how would you know...

She then looked behind her, the other four also looking up, recognising the voice.

Summer: Slade?

The person that had interrupted her looked like Deathshot, but the red was orange, the black had a more blue tint to it, and there was no visible symbol.

Slade: I think they got the message.

Adam, y/n, Winter, and Wade all got up from their chairs.

Wade: dad!

Y/n, Adam: Deathstroke!

Winter: master!

They were all surprised to say the least.

Summer: what are you doing here, Slade? Aren't you supposed to be on a mission?

Slade looked at her.

Slade: the council over estimated the target.

He then looked at Wade.

Slade: besides, can't a father visit his son?

Wade ran up to Slade and hugged him, Slade returning the hug.

Wade: it's nice to see you again, dad. I didn't expect you to make an appearance in this chapter.

Slade let out a small chuckle.

Slade: it's good to see you as well, Wade.

They then let go of the hug, just as summer walked up to Slade.

Summer: nice to see you again, Slade. But knowing the council, you'll probably be called on another mission soon.

Slade nodded in agreement.

Slade: you're right. But at least I get to see you guys before I go.

He was looking at Wade, y/n, Adam, and Winter as he said that.

Adam: I would have to agree.

Winter: you practically changed our lives.

Y/n: you're basically our hero, Deathstroke.

Slade: I told you, you can call me Slade. Anyway, how are you guys doing with officializing yourselves as a team.

All four of them looked at each other, y/n and Wade letting out nervous chuckles.

Wade: well.

Wade started, but didn't finish.

Adam: we're able to make it official, but we haven't come up with a name yet.

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