Returning Their Freedom

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As of right now, we can see two people in a forest just outside the city, one of the people being y/n in his armour, as he was greeting the other person, who was Deadpool.

Though he looked to be around the same age as y/n.

Y/n: wade!

Wade: y/n!

They both gave each other a short hug.

Wade: how you been lately?

Y/n: eh, I've been good. You?

Wade: life's been good. Word going around says that you killed trihexa.

Y/n: well, they're true. If only I had my armour though, then union wouldn't have seen me use hellblaze.

Wade: maybe you should've gotten another set.

Y/n: yeah, I was thinking that. The only problem there is how expensive it will be.

Wade: true. Vibranium isn't cheap.

They both just talked for a few minutes, waiting for the scarlet rose to arrive.

Y/n: fuckin hell, he is taking his time now, huh.

Wade: I got ya. Like, come on, where is he?

Adam: right behind you.

Wade jumped back a bit, him and y/n looking at Adam.

Adam was currently wearing a black and grey jacket, with his rose symbol on the back, black trousers, black shoes with red soles, black gloves, and a pure white mask that covers the top half of his face, with it also going over his horns , with 2 slits in it to see through, that have red lenses in them.

Suddenly, the world started to turn grey, as everything froze in time, and wade looked at you.

Wade: basically, just imagine his volume five design, with the different mask.

After saying that, the world went back to normal.

Adam: and I apologize for my late arrival. I couldn't let the fang catch on.

Adam then walked past wade and y/n, pulling up his hood, which had two holes at the top for his horns to poke out.

Adam: come on. Those people need us.

Wade and y/n looked at each other, and shrugged.

Wade: I haven't been on a lot of missions with him recently, but he seems a little too serious.

Y/n: probably because of his past.

Y/n then followed after Adam, with wade following behind him.

They eventually found the dust mine, with a dirt patch at the front, a dirt road leading outside the forest, and 2 guards at the entrance to the mine.

Y/n: well, I think it's safe to say, they were probably hoping no one would be able to find it.

Wade: considering the lack of security, you're probably right.

Y/n: so, what's the plan?

Wade: well, what's the best way to deliver physical pain?

Y/n: ooh, I say, stab their hands to the ground, stab a sword into their stomachs, then drag them away, holding the sword in place.

Wade: oh, nice one. Hey Adam, you got anything?

No answer.

Y/n: Adam?

Y/n and wade looked around them, not seeing Adam around them. They eventually found him on top of the mine, behind the guards.

Y/n, wade: 'dammit Taurus!'

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