Demonic Rage

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Stacy was in shock, despite having sensed his mana signature, she had confused Deathshot for Y/n. Obviously, she was proven wrong, and was then even more surprised when Issei had managed to seemingly defeat him with a single attack.

Ruby: what... just happend?

Stacy: I have no idea.

Ruby then turned to her.

Ruby: where did Deathshot come from? Why is he here? Did you not sense his mana?

Stacy: I did, but it feels extremely similar to Y/n's.

Ruby: how similar?

Stacy: exactly the same.

Ruby: didn't you say they were all different though?

Stacy: they are. Or at least, they should be.

Koneko: stop this right now, Rias!

Hearing koneko speak, Stacy and Ruby turned their attention back to what was happening, seeing Issei ripping Ren's clothes off.

Ruby: I guess that's our signal.

Stacy: right. Let's do this.

They then both jumped out of hiding, now standing next to koneko and Asia. Ruby then pointed Crescent Rose at the rest of the ORC, with Stacy activating her mana in her hands.

Ruby: you heard her, Rias! Stop this, now!

Rias was shocked at this turn of events.

Rias: Stacy? Ruby? What are you two doing here?

Stacy: that doesn't matter Rias, what does is what you're doing!

Rias: l-look, I can explain everything.

Ddraig: Rias, will you quit being an entitled bitch?

They all looked at Ddraig, the former-dragon-now-gauntlet, in surprise.

Issei: hey! You randomly go silent for weeks, and the first thing you have to say is an insult?!

Ddraig: yes, it is! Not only have you refused to train, you have committed several crimes, killed many innocent people! AND ARE NOW ABOUT TO RAPE ONE YOUR CLASSMATES!

Stacy was in shock at hearing this.

Rias: it's actually former classmate.

Ddraig: that's does not matter! Honestly, I cannot believe I'm stuck with you as my host! You will stop this immediately!

Issei: or what?

Ddraig: i will-

Before he finished, the village and villagers Infront of them suddenly exploded into black flames, the villagers all screaming at they burned to death.

Stacy: what the hell?!

Asia: dear god.

Stacy looked at Asia and koneko, both of them staring in slight fear at the fire.

Stacy: what's wrong?

Issei: Whatever it is, I'll deal with it.

Issei then activated his scale-mail armour.

Koneko: no you won't. You'll just die.

Issei: what-

At that moment, Issei was then punched in the jaw, sending him flying into the forest behind them all. They all then looked at Deathshot, his mask having now fallen off, and the top half of his armour having melted off, revealing what was underneath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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