The Last 2 Weeks

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Y/n and Wade locked blades, both of them trying to gain the upper hand over the other.

Wade: so, I've been meaning to ask. that meeting earlier today, what was that all about?

Y/n: oh, that? Nothing much, just something new they discovered about aura.

Wade: really? What is it?

Y/n: well, you know how the Schnee family has that semblance that can only be passed down through them?

Wade raised an eyebrow, but none the less nodded.

Y/n: well, apparently...

Before he could finish, they both suddenly pushed off of each other, before putting away their katanas, and pulled out some pistols. Wade then proceed to start firing at Y/n, who started dodging the bullets.

Y/n: their semblance isn't the only thing that can be passed down. with enough time, you can pass down instincts and/or personality.

After Y/n had finished his sentence, Wade's pistols ran out of ammo, causing him to start reloading. Taking advantage of this, Y/n pointed his own pistols at Wade's wrists, and pulled the triggers, shooting his wrists, causing him to drop his guns.

Wade: huh, so that's what the author meant by additions. Anything else they learned. Also, ow!

Wade started shaking his wrists, trying to relieve the pain, while Y/n put away his pistols, before he unsheathed his katana.

Y/n: unfortunately that's all, there's still much we don't know about aura.

He then rushed at Wade.

Wade, seeing this, dodged to the left, avoiding a swing, before quickly unsheathing a katana of his own, and swung down at Y/n, who raised his katana above himself, blocking the strike, before he pushed forward with the blade, pushing wade back, who quickly put a foot behind him to keep his balance.

Wade: alright author, just get to the montage already. The readers have waited long enough for this chapter.

He then looked back at y/n, before They both then rushed towards each other, before attempting to strike the other.

The next day

Ruby: I forgot to ask before, but, how exactly does your semblance work?

Currently, Ruby was in doctor Oobleck's history class, and was whispering to Stacy, who was sitting next to her.

Stacy: well, contrary to popular belief, I don't actually create mana. you see, mana is just one of the purest forms of life energy, which everything in our world has, from plants, to animals, to people, hell, even Grimm have some faint form of life energy. My semblance just allows me to sense and manipulate it.

Ruby was amazed.

Ruby: woah. So, you can make constructs with mana?

Stacy nodded.

Stacy: yeah, but I have to keep my focus on the constructs, or they'll disappear.

Ruby: I see.

Ruby looked down in thought, thinking about ways Stacy could train her semblance.

Oobleck: ahem!

Before she looked up at Oobleck, who was currently looking at her with a raised eyebrow, the rest of the class snickering at them both getting caught talking.

Oobleck: is my class boring you, miss Rose, miss L/n?

Ruby: eh, no sir!

Stacy: not at all sir!

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