Headmasters Discussion

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In the headmasters room in union academy, the headmasters themselves were around a table.

Ozpin: this is a problem.

Nezu: indeed.

They had just talked with Stacy, who had now left the room, and they were very concerned about what she had told them, which was about what he had said to her on the train.

Ozpin: what do we do?

Sirzech: what do you mean " what do we do?" It's obvious what we do! next time that little shit shows his face, we make him wish that he was never born!

Sirzech had stood up and slammed his hands on the table.

Both nezu and ozpin stared at him.

Ozpin: no, we will not do that.

Sirzech: why not?! He is clearly siding with the enemy!

Nezu: but he could also just be lying.

Sirzech was silent for a few seconds.

Sirzech: what do you mean he could lying? What reason could he have to lie?

Nezu: to get under our skin. He is very clearly upset with us, and that's putting it lightly. And please, sit down

Sirzech looked confused, and sat back down in his chair.

Sirzech: why would he be upset with us?

Nezu and ozpin both gave him a blank stare, looking at him like he was an idiot.

Nezu: well to start, we had allowed his past tormenters into our school.

Ozpin: and did not stop them when they would beat him.

Nezu: we constantly lowered his grades so he would not seem that impressive.

Ozpin: we would constantly side with his tormenters whenever they were in trouble.

Nezu: we also threatened those that would try to help him with expulsion.

Ozpin: and would make sure that he was in constant pain.

Nezu: to put it simply, we basically made his life a living hell.

Sirzech: so he's lying to put us on a wild goose chase?

Nezu: exactly!

Ozpin: but we still can't ignore that he may be a member of Deaths hand.

Nezu: yes, you are absolutely correct. However the only proof that he is a member of Deaths hand, is that we have no proof that he is not a member. Well, other than his hatred of us.

Ozpin: quite the conundrum, isn't it.

Sirzech: why don't we capture him, and force the answer out of him?!

Nezu: and how would we do that? He has shown that he is not afraid of us, and has proven that he could very easily defend himself against us.

Sirzech: yes, he has definitely proven himself capable, that was only against one opponent.

Ozpin: what are you saying, Sirzech?

Sirzech stood up.

Sirzech: what I'm saying, is that we should have all of our greatest heroes, and huntsmen attack him all at once! I can even supply us with some devils if needed.

Ozpin and nezu looked contemplative, thinking over the plan, as sirzech sat back down.

While the plan may be simple, and it is true that they lost to trihexa, not all of the greatest huntsmen and heroes are not always in the same location.

Having all of that power and talent in one spot, all targeted towards one person, could give them the edge.

Nezu: it is definitely a very simple plan.

Ozpin: indeed it is. However, from my own personal experience, sometimes the simplest plan, is the most effective.

Nezu nodded to this.

Nezu: very true. And if he is a member of Deaths hand, then we can ask him for information on other members, in exchange for freedom.

Sirzech: which could allow us to finally capture them.

Ozpin: and perhaps we could even make them join us.

Sirzech: join us?

Ozpin: yes, join us. Imagine having people like Deathshot, or the white death working for us!

Sirzech and nezu both imagined it.

And they liked it.

Sirzech: having member's of Deaths hand working for union? I like it!

Nezu: they would most definitely be useful. Especially with putting an end to Deaths hand as a whole.

Ozpin:they would indeed.

Nezu: but if he isn't a member, then I guess we could have him back in union, in exchange for his freedom.

Ozpin: well then, I shall inform James of our decision.

The other two headmasters nodded.

Nezu: well, in other news, the students appear to be unhappy with y/n l/n's return.

Ozpin: ah, yes. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. But yes, they do seem to be a bit riled up.

Sirzech: most of the students have demanded that he be killed, some even offering to do it themselves.

Nezu: we can't allow that. As of right now, he is far too valuable, even if he isn't apart of Deaths hand.

Ozpin: agreed. The power he showed when he killed trihexa, it's too valuable to ignore.

Sirzech: then he must join union. 'and become a member of rias's peerage'

Nezu: so, are we all in agreement?

The other two nodded.

Nezu: then this meeting is over.

Ozpin and sirzech both got up, ozpin to go talk to ironwood, and sirzech to go talk with rias, with nezu staying behind, looking at a picture of y/n.

Nezu: 'just where are you, y/n? And are you truly a member of Deaths hand?'

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