Stealing A Power Source

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It was a deep alleyway, dark and wet, puddles across the ground. It was currently night, the shattered moon high in the sky.

A man, who had a few blood stains on him, ran through the alleyways, stepping in a few puddles, trying to escape from something.

The man was breathing heavily, exhausted.

Eventually, he came to a stop, hiding behind a dumpster, trying to quiet his breathing as much as he could.

Man: 'just what the hell is she?!'

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, causing the man to flinch, and to start shaking in fear.

Man: 'they're all dead! She killed them all!'

The man then heard footsteps, the sound of boots hitting the ground almost giving him a heart attack.

Man: 'please don't look here! please don't look here! PLEASE DON'T LOOK HERE!'

Eventually, the man heard the footsteps come to a stop, causing him to relax a little, but was still on edge.

Man: 'is she gone?'

Suddenly, the dumpster the man was hiding behind was ripped away from the ground, causing the man to jump and crawl away from it in fear.

The man looked up, staring at the one who had chased him, revealing a woman wearing a black combat suit, with a white cloak, covered in fresh blood, the dumpster held above her head with her left hand, glaring at the man.

The man, now looking at the woman more clearly than before, was able to recognise her.

Man: 'it-it c-cant be! That's impossible! Sh-she's dead!' s-summ-mer? Is tha-that you?

Summer just continued to stand there and glare at the man, before she threw the dumpster to the side, all of its contents spilling out onto the ground. Summer the started to walk up to the man.

the man attempted to get up and run away again, but before he could get up, summer, had grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and had pulled him up to her, so that they were eye level, allowing her to see the fear in the mans eyes.

Summer: where do you think you're going? we have unfinished business, Mikoto.

she then grabbed the head of the now named Mikoto, causing him to start panicking even more, even attempting to push summers her arm off of his face.

Mikoto: look, I'm sorry, okay?! I mean, come on, if your still pissed at me for helping Ozpin, then I'm sorry! besides, that was years ago, okay?! any benefit I got from it, has already bee-

before Mikoto could continue any longer, summer had crushed his head in her hand, killing him instantly. she then dropped the corpse onto the ground, blood pooling out from the remains of what was once a head.

summer: that makes twenty seven.

she then started to walk away from the corpse, before she got a call, raising her hand, as a small hologram of y/n came out of her palm.

y/n: hey summer!

Summer gave a small smile at seeing y/n.

Summer: well, hello there y/n. so, what reason do you have for calling me?

y/n: right, straight to the point! gotcha! so, the council has requested that you go to this location.

the hologram then changed to a map of the world, before zooming in next to Atlas, a red dot appearing close to the flying city.

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