Friction In Union

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A lot has happened during these next few months, such as a couple breaking up, as well as an argument between siblings, and falling out between teams, the students of union have had some drama.

Let's have a look at some of it, shall we?

Union academy, a few minutes after leaving y/n

Izumi: you told him to kill himself?!

As of right now we see izumi in the middle of an argument with katsuki bakugou, her current boyfriend.

Katsuki: yeah, so what?

Izumi: so what?! Do you even hear yourself?! What if he actually went through with it?!

Katsuki: good! He should jump, it would make the world a better place if he did!

izumi was on the verge of tears when she heard this.

Izumi: how could you say that?

Katsuki: because he's nothing! all he is, is a waste of space, honestly, we should just go out and kill all those useless fu-

Just as he was talking, a loud smack was heard, making him shut up, his turned to the right, a red hand mark on the left side of his face.

As for izumi, her right hand was to the left, her eyes covered by her hair. She then put her hand back to her side, as bakugou turned to look at her, stunned.

Izumi: I thought you could change, I thought you would change. But clearly I was wrong. You can't change, you will always be that same arrogant little shit you always were. I can't believe I actually chose you over y/n.

Bakugou flinched at the cold tone she spoke in. As she was done talking though, she started to walk away, before bakugou yelled out to her.


Izumi stopped walking, turning her head to look at him.

Izumi: where does it look like, away from you. We're over.

After that, she continued walking away, leaving the arrogant bastard behind.

Somewhere else, around he same time

Stacy: aren't you the least bit concerned?

David: about what? That he was told to kill himself?

Stacy: yes!

David: oh come on, it's not like he'd actually go through with it. 'unfortunately.'

Right now we see Stacy and David, y/n's siblings, alone in their room. Stacy was obviously concerned, David, not so much.

Stacy: but still! What if he actually does jump. I don't-i don't think I can-

Before she could continue any further, she broke down crying on her knees. David looked at her, stunned, before kneeling down to comfort her.

David: hey, hey. It's okay, if you want, we can go look for him and convince him not to jump. 'damn you, you useless fuck! See what you've done now?! Honestly, we should have just killed you, the second we had the chance!'

David continued to consult Stacy that y/n would be fine, both of them eventually getting up, leaving the room to look for

They never found him

RWBY's dorm room

Ruby: don't you guys think that we went a bit too far.

Currently, the members of team RWBY, as well as team JNPR are in teams RWBY's dorm, having a discussion about what had happened earlier.

Ren: I agree, I think that went way too far

Weiss: what do you mean "too far"?

Blake: there is no such thing as "too far".

Ruby and ren were shocked by what they said.

Ruby: what do you mean? Bakugou literally told him to kill himself!

Pyrrha: so?

Ren: what do you mean "so"?

Pyrrha: I mean so? Who cares If he does. It's not like anyone would care if he jumped.

Jayne: exactly. If anything, he should be thanking us for giving him such advice.

Ruby and ren looked at them all, disgusted by what they said.

Ren: are you even hearing yourself right now?! This is a human life we're talking about here!

Nora: woe, calm down ren. I've never seen you this worked up before.

Ren: what do you mean calm down?! Did you not hear what they just said?!

Nora: well yeah, and honestly I agree with them. It would definitely make the world a better place.

Ren was shocked when she heard that. Until that shock turned into anger, however, before she started yelling at her, she activated her semblance, concealing her emotions, and started walking away.

Blake: ren, where are you going?

Ren: I just... Need some time to myself.

She started walking away again.

Ruby: why?

Everyone looked at ruby.

Yang: why what, sis

Ruby: why would you say that. How could you say that he should die?! He's a living person!

Everyone stared at her for a second... before bursting into laughter.

Pyrrha: hahahah, oh, that's a good one ruby!

Jayne: hahahah, yeah, she's right, like cmon, he's a person? Priceless.

Yang: haha, I'm so proud, I knew I'd rub off on you eventually, rubes.

Ruby looked at them, shocked as they all laughed, before walking away.

Ruby: 'i can't believe I believed you, Yang. You said I would be a better leader if I let you hurt him. I see now that you were just manipulating me. I'll never forgive you for this.'

She went to go and find y/n, never seeing him anywhere.

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