Enemy Plans

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Y/n and wade were driving down a street, with y/n driving the car, and Wade sitting on the back, while holding on tight.

The car y/n was driving only has one seat, was fully black with his symbol on the hood of the car, indicating that it belongs to him. The car also had no roof, and was very sleek.

Wade: are you ever going to add another seat?

Y/n: it was designed for only me to use. The only reason we used it today, was because we couldn't risk Carnage getting away.

Wade shrugged at this response.

Wade: fair enough. It is one of the fastest cars we have.

It was silent for a few seconds.

Wade: are we near the base yet?

Y/n: yep, just a few more minutes. We're already in Secret city.

Y/n let out a sigh.

Y/n: I seriously can't believe that's the name they went with.

Wade: I hear ya. I mean, seriously? Secret city?

Wade looks at the author.

Wade: That's real creative there.

Wade then looked back, before he was written out of the story completely.

Wade: love you too, author. But back on topic, they could have at least had it be in Latin or something.

Y/n nodded at that, ignoring what he said about an author.

Y/n: yeah, but whatever, it's only meant to be temporary.

Wade nodded.

They both continued driving in silence for a few seconds.

Wade: i wonder what our spies are doing?

Y/n: getting concerned?

Wade shrugged.

Wade: eh, not much, they know what they're doing.

Y/n: true that. They would have been caught by now if they didn't. But you do make a good point, just what are they up to at the moment, other than getting information, of course.

Wade: yeah... so, what do you think Union is planning?

Y/n: no clue, but we should hopefully find out soon.

Wade: yep. So, come on author, hurry up and show us already!

Wade clapped his hands when he said that.

Y/n was just confused at hearing this.

Y/n: who the fuck are you talking to?

At Union academy

Issie was gloating again.

Nothing new there.

Koneko: 'I swear, all he does is gloat that he'll be the "harem king." Such bullshit.'

Asia leaned over to Koneko.

Asia: has he even trained once since he enrolled in Union?

Koneko: if he has, I wasn't around to see it.

Asia nodded slightly, leaning away from her.

They were currently in the ORC's clubroom, Issie in the middle of the room, Rias and Akeno latched onto him, while talking about how he's better than everyone, or something.

The rest of them were sitting on the couches in the room.

Asia, Koneko, and Kiba were all annoyed by the gloating.

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