Part 10(The Past)

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I heard screams and things exploding, I wanted to scream for help but my throat was too sore. I was surrounded by my blood. My whole body ached. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. I made a silent prayer knowing that with the chaos that was happening outside, there was no way anyone was going to come for me, even if they did with my current status, no one would want to help me.

There were footsteps right outside the door. I heard people talking. It was more like pacing back and forth. "Chase, there is no one here", "I can hear her heartbeat, she is here", "Who?", "My mate and she's hurt", the door opened right after finishing the sentence.

Two men walked in and my eyes fell on the one who had blue eyes, they turned black just when his eyes met mine. Instead of being terrified as I felt when Rex's eyes turned, I felt relief. "Goddess! What did he do to her? Is she human?", the man next to him asked and all he did was nod as he walked near me slowly as if he was afraid, I would run.

He picked me up bridal style, and when I flinched, he noticed my bandaged shoulder and adjusted me in a way that would not hurt me. The sparks flew all over my body the moment his skin touched mine. "Find him and bring him to me!", he shouted with rage as he carried me outside the room.

There were dead bodies everywhere, the smell of blood overwhelmed me and made me give in to the darkness once more.

"Is she going to be, ok?", "Yes Alpha, but I must warn you. By the looks of how the wounds were inflicted on her and the extent of the damage she will be traumatised", "What do you mean?", "Son, she was raped by a feral wolf. She is human can you imagine the pain she went through? She will need you, her mate", "Will they accept her?", "I think the question is, will you?". I wanted to hear his answer but my body was too weak and I fell into the darkness again. 

I could hear a beeping sound and it made me open my eyes, I was on a hospital bed with machines hooked to my chest and a drip inserted in my arm. I tried to get up but felt something stopping me on my left, when I turned, I found the man who rescued me sound asleep with my hand in his.

I was admiring him when his eyes suddenly open making me stare at him like a deer caught in front of headlights.

"Hey, how are you feeling?", he asked with a sweet voice making me smile. "I-I-I", I couldn't form words. He stood up and ran his fingers across my face, I could feel the sparks as I leaned into his touch. He took a glass of water and placed it on my lips, I drank like I was starved for years.

"Slow down, if you choke my sister will kill me", he said with a chuckle. "You bet I will, why didn't you call me? I'm the pack Doctor for a reason you know", a woman that looked like him said from the entrance door. "Am sorry, I just gave her water", he said looking worried. He was different, I wondered what kind of Alpha he was.

People were terrified of Rex, but none scolded him like this woman did. "Hi there. Am Doctor Donavan but you can call me Cleo. What's your name beautiful?", she said in a bubbly voice. "E-e-erinna", I said my throat still hurting but not as much as before.

"Erinna", the man next to me said my name and I felt the urge to look at him, when our eyes met, he smiled at me, and I found myself smiling back. "This one here is Chase Donavan, the Alpha of River Fall Pack and your new home. Do you know what a mate is Erinna?", she asked making me look at her.

"A wife?", I said in a whisper. "Well... sort of. It's a soulmate. All supernaturals have one and lucky for you, Chase is yours", she said while removing the drip from my hand and then the other wire that was hooked to my chest. I turned to look at Chase one more time. "But I can't be your mate. I'm broken. I don't deserve you. I can't be with you", I said and all he did was smile. "I will be the judge of that", he said then kissed my temple. I held a breath not expecting it which made Cleo giggle. 

"Waoh! Love is in the air. This is so romantic. Am gonna go collect some meds for you, I will be right back. You should tell Mum that she's awake, I bet she would want to see her", Cleo told her brother then walked out of the room leaving us in comfortable silence.

"You have a very pretty name Erinna", he complimented making me look away. I never thought I would feel shy, let alone in front of a werewolf. "Do you want to take a walk? We won't go far", he suggested and from the soreness, it felt like I needed it. "Yes", I replied and watched as his face lit up.

He helped me stand and put huge sandals on, I knew they were his judging by the size. "Sorry, they were the only shoes I could find, we will take you shopping when they discharge you", he said putting one hand on my back and the other holding one of my hands as we walked out of the room.

The place was spacious and it had a nice view. It was just the two of us. "It's a private wing, only meant for the Alpha and his family, and since you are the Luna it's for you too", he explained which meant my face was that easy to read. "What's a Luna?", I asked surprising him. The smile on his face told me that he was pleased by my question. "A Luna is like a mother of the pack, she helps the Alpha take care of the pack", he explained making me nod as we continued walking on the empty hallway.

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