Part 27

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I took Chase to our room hoping to get more privacy even though we had three bodyguards following us. I didn't complain about it because I knew Ryker would always feel better if we had someone with us. Chase seemed deep in thought, I wondered what happened to him. He didn't look like the Chase I knew. I remembered him being... healthier.

"Chase, what's going on? where's this coming from?", I asked when we finally settled in the living room. He looked at me with so much hurt in his eyes. I didn't know what more I could say so I just settled for silence.

"You... you look different. You look happy" he said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I am happy Chase. Ryker is good to me. We had a rough start but it was only because I thought he would judge me after knowing my past. He has been nothing but nice to me. What about you?", I asked with a smile. 

"I wish I could lie to you and tell you that it all turned out the way it was supposed to but no. Don't get me wrong, everyone in the pack is happy and that should be good enough considering it's the path that I chose but in all honesty, I'm lost without you Erinna. Whenever Velma talks about starting a family, all I see is you. I can't say that it's Hunter's fault because I want that too. I just... I'm not the same without you. I'm not... complete. I don't feel the peace that I felt when I was with you", he said with a tear going down his cheek. I reached for his hand and squeezed lightly. 

"Chase, you did what any Alpha would have done, you were selfless and that is how an Alpha should be", I said hoping it would make him feel better but his facial expression showed me that was not the case. "At what cost? Tell me that if the Captain was told to choose between you and the Crown he would choose the Crown... tell me because I know for a fact he will choose you in a heartbeat and that is what I was supposed to do the moment it came to that.

I see how Mum and Cleo look at me like I'm a disappointment and I have to live through that because Velma doesn't even bother getting to know them. All she does is command people; even though they don't complain, I know it's not right. I wanted a Luna that had a heart of gold and I don't know why but when we used to talk it kind of kept me sane. Hearing your voice made me feel like I could breathe again and then you went out of the radar and I panicked. I called Greg and he told me that you were here so here I am", he said putting my hand between his. 

"Does everyone know you're here?", I asked feeling my heartbeat faster than necessary, the Gamma and Arthur's faces flashed before my eyes, and my mind started thinking of the possibility of them knowing I was there. "Hey... they just know I needed to see the Alpha King. I figured I should come to make sure you were ok first. You want me to tell them?", he asked, and before I could reply the door burst open with a lethal-looking Ryker.

"What did he do?", he asked looking at me. "Nothing, I promise", I said in a hurry. "I think you have had enough catching up for the day. They'll escort you to your room and we will meet you at dinner Alpha", Ryker commanded. I saw Chase flinch but eventually stood up and followed the guards.

"What did you do to him? He looked like he was in pain", I asked Ryker with furrowed brows. "What? You have been talking to him the whole time and one moment I tell him to get lost I turn into the bad guy?", he spoke louder than usual and I knew he was angry. Ryker has anger issues, I get it, Abe has been on his neck forever telling him to control it so I was not about to engage with him because I knew it will only end in an argument. 

I stood up from the sofa and started heading to our bedroom when he pulled me by the wrist. "Do you regret it?", he asked and when I turned his breathing was uneven and his deep red eyes glowing. "Let go of me Ryder", I commanded and despite his reaction showing that he didn't want to let go of my wrist, he did. "How did you do that?", he asked looking confused. "Do what? Ignore your efforts of starting an argument with me?", I asked feeling angry.

"No, I wasn't picking a fight ok? I just marked you a few hours ago and before I could even enjoy being mated I had to be nice and pretend I didn't feel like killing that mutt so I'm sorry if that made me lose control of my anger", he barked and the next thing I saw was our sofa crashing on the wall. When I turned to look at him, his whole body was glowing. 

"Ryker... You're glowing", I said walking towards him slowly. He didn't answer, all he did was pant like he was trying to calm down. When my fingers touched his skin, the sparks were ten times what they usually felt like. The feeling excited me. I followed my fingertips as I ran them across his tattoo and finally held his face in my hands.

"You look so hot right now", I said without thinking, making him smirk. When his lips met mine it felt like a blanket swallowed me and I just melted into him, making him growl and deepen the kiss. He pulled back and then licked his lips. "You're gonna be the death of me", he said then carried me to the bedroom. 

He threw me on the bed which made my body bounce, and I giggled. I watched as he removed his clothes and then did the same with mine. He sucked my whole body until I lost control without even having actual sex and all I did was smile and moan his name. "You're mine", he whispered as his member stretched me making my back arch to welcome him. "I'm yours", I replied holding on to his neck for dear life.

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