Chapter Three: Apologies

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“That was fine.” Niall tells me in bed after we’d gone inside. “We... nothing happened. No pictures. No screaming. We could just go out and have a meal together in the public.”

“Still. We should be careful.” I warn not only him, but myself. We might not be so lucky next time. We still need to be careful.” I roll over on the bed, my tummy now facing downwards, but my head still turned to the side to watch Niall closely.

“You’re beautiful.” He tells me, looking me up and down. I was only in one of Niall’s white t-shirts and some jogging bottoms, but Niall leans forward and presses soft kisses to my neck. “I love you.” He mumbles into my neck as he continues leaving soft kisses dotted over my neck, nuzzling his nose into my shoulder, and he earns quiet giggles from me in return. I turn onto my side, Niall wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pressing his body against me, so that we were now spooning. He kisses the back of my neck softly, yet longer this time. I can’t help but smile to myself.

He’s all I need. He’s all I want. Niall Horan is my everything.

“I love you.” I whisper, Niall presses his nose to my neck again, kissing my collar. “Your eyes. Your smile. I don’t know why the moment I met you I didn’t fall in love with you straight away.” He stays silent, and I’m just glad my back was facing him, so that I could dare to tell him all these things that I had held in since our reunion. All the things I wanted to tell him, but, I was embarrassed. “Your my best friend. We have fun. You’re so beautiful Niall. You’re my angel. I want to thank God everyday for what we have, that you love me back, because... if you didn’t I don’t know what I’d do. Everything you do, it makes me fall hopelessly in love with you all over again. Just you. Your stubbornness, the way you make me feel, you’re laugh, you’re stupid, stupid humour that sometimes I don’t even understand. I don’t care if we stay here for 3 days or 3 years. As long as I have you, that’s all I need.” His grip on my waist tightens.

“Please don’t leave me again.” He whispers, his voice lower, his Irish accent almost non-existent from the rawness of his voice. “Lenn, if you leave me again, I don’t know what I’d do. I love you, you’re my world, and so much more. One day-“ He moves his hand around, grabbing mine, and rubbing my ring finger. “One day there will be a ring there, and it won’t be showing your commitment to someone else, you’ll be mine, my wife.” His hand goes to my stomach, and I’d be surprised if he didn’t feel the butterflies that were erupting, an unbreakable smile on my face. “And you’ll have our kids. They’ll be so beautiful, just like you. They’ll have your smile, your laugh, your voice, your everything. They’ll be perfect, because they’ll be something we made together.”

Words didn’t need to be said anymore, the silence spoke more. I never even knew it was possible to be so in love with someone. Lying here, my fingers locked with Niall’s, his arms draped around me, my body fitting into his, the soft breeze of his breathing on the back of my neck. How could anything be more perfect? More real?

We’d be through so much. I can’t even believe that we’re still together, but knowing the swelling of my heart, the feelings I have for him, I know exactly why. We were made for each other. It was always him.

When I hear Niall’s deeper breathing, telling me he’s asleep, I still can’t, everything seems to be swarming around my mind.

I don’t understand how I could’ve married Rob, when I’m so in love with Niall, that it feels like I can’t breathe when he’s not near.

But I’ve left, left him to questions that need answering, I’ve left my family, when my sister is about to pop out her first baby, my first niece/nephew, my mum’s planning a wedding, my little half-brother is growing up fast.. how could I leave them all like this?

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