Chapter Twenty-Two: Harry's Confession

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I didn’t take another pill. I didn’t have to. The moment I was back in London, back with Niall everything felt better. I realised that all I needed was familiar surroundings, and my Niall.

But if I didn’t have Niall, the pills would be there to catch me when I’m down.

The party was… off the wall. I was sort of glad that I hadn’t hosted it at Niall and I’s place because I’m sure as people get more intoxicated, the more of Harry’s possessions are going to get broken.

“LENNOX!” A familiar voice caught me out of my trance as a huge smile overcame me as I ran into my best friend’s arms. Dani and I jumped around for a bit, well as high as you can get off the ground when we’re both wearing heels, and then I pulled back and gave Liam a hug as well.

“How are you guys?” I ask, gesturing to my favourite couple, after Niall and I of course. “You know what!” I add, thoughts racing through my mind, cutting them off before they could answer my first question. “We should totally double date! It will be awesome! Like a group of awesome just waiting to happen! I mean isn’t our situation great? I’m best friends with Dani, you’re best friends with Liam, then I’m dating Niall and you’re dating each other! It’s like the best double date arrangement that could ever happen!”

“You’re like a walking E-number right now!” Dani jokes, shaking her head because I’d rambled on longer than I should have. “But a double date would be off the hook. Wouldn’t it babe?” Liam nods, his attention elsewhere and as I look over my shoulder I see my beautiful redheaded stylist, whom I beckon over as soon as we get eye contact.

“Megan! This is Liam’s girlfriend, Dani!” I tell her as she comes nearer, and Megan greets my best friend shyly, but Dani doesn’t seem to mind that the girl was quite shy.

“You are gorgeous!” Dani says. “And I love your necklace!”

“Thanks. It was a birthday present off my… boyfriend.” Megan says, her hand on her necklace. My eyes turn to the necklace, it was a locket, one that probably had a picture in no doubt, and it had the word ‘love’ engraved in swirly writing on the front.

“I thought you didn’t have a boyfriend?” I enquire, because Megan had continually denied my questions about a boy in her life for herself.

“We don’t like labels I guess.” Megan answers, a blush on her cheeks to match her red hair. “But he’s sweet.”

“Well you can tell me all about him- I’ve just got to check that there are plenty of snacks out.” I squeeze her arm, “Look after Megan guys, she doesn’t know too many people around here.” Dani nods, and Liam sort of does a smile thing. But his eyes don’t seem too happy, probably because he wants to have Dani to himself all night.

As I’m walking to the kitchen my mind wanders again.

Everything is changing. Always changing.

I feel like the moment my feet will firmly be safe on the ground, something else is going to turn my whole world upside down.

How much will it change after Niall has a baby? A baby girl?

A girl who he can spoil and look after. She’ll be the most important thing in his life.

I’ll be second to her, and I will be for the rest of my life. She’ll be his flesh and blood, I’ll just be the girl he’s in love with.

Who is the replaceable one out of the two of us?

I could get cast aside. What if she doesn’t like me? What if she thinks she’s Cinderella and I’m her evil stepmother? And any children Niall and I will have together won’t be as important to him as her because she was there first.

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