Chapter Eight: Offers

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“Ni! I’m going to get a coffee!” I shout through our hotel room, Niall was in the shower, but I soon hear him shouting my name. I move closer to the bathroom, opening the door slightly and leaning near it so I can hear what he’s saying.

“You’re going alone?” He asks.

“Yeah.” After our interview, it had certainly earned us... a bit more support. My fans were complaining that I literally hadn’t left my hotel room since I’d entered it, whilst Niall had gone shopping, except he’d had security with him. Surely if they’re my fans, they’d want to see me, not security? I don’t want my fans miles away from them because they’re forced not to see me. “Plus, it is a Monday, everyone will be at school. And I want some caffeine. Do you want anything?”

“Nah, I’m good!” He replies. “I love you!”

“You too!” I shout back, skipping to the door, opening it and shutting it behind me. Today was going to be a good day. I can just see it. “The sky is blue, doo doo doo.” I hum to myself, pressing the lift button.

When I reach the lobby, few people pay any attention to me, and it’s only when I get outside I understand why Niall had taken security with him. Outside there were fans lining down the streets, talking to each other, posters in their hands, phones snapping to my direction the moment the first scream told them all I was there.

“Hey.” I say, waving and walking towards the fans. Calm down Lenn, they’re fans, they won’t hurt you, they just want to see you.

“Is Niall coming out?” A fan asks, Niall’s face printed on her t-shirt and I shake my head. “Are you going somewhere?”

“I’m going to get a coffee.” I tell her, and a notebook is thrust into my hands, she offers a pen and I smile at her, scribbling my name onto the page and then wait for the next autograph to be asked for.

“Can I have a picture?” A girl asks, this time my face was on her t-shirt, and she had several wrist-bands that you get from concerts on her hand, and the significant purple and orange from my own tour was on her wrist. I nod, the girl holds the phone outstretched and I smile into the camera with her. “I love you so much.”

“Love you too.” I reply, I don’t miss her squeal when I move onto the next girl, and pray this doesn’t mean I’m going to be trapped here all day.

After a few more photos and autographs, my phone begins to ring and Simon Cowell’s name is on my screen.

“Sorry guys, I really have to go now.” I tell them and they all suddenly have frowns on their face. I push my way through the crowds, pulling the phone to my ear and waiting until the screams have gotten behind me so that I can hear properly. “Hello?”

“Lennox can you hear me?” Simon asks.

“Yeah, what’s up?” I reply, rounding the corner and the screams die down a bit.

“Are you busy right now Lennox?” Simon asks, “Only, I have a proposition for you.”

“Oh.” Is my reply, a proposition? That usually means good things, right? “I’m just going to get a coffee so after I get my caffeine can I come to your office?”

“Yes that’s perfect. Goodbye Lennox.”

“Bye Simon.” I hang up and put my phone back into my pocket. I open the coffee shop door, the ding alerting some attention, but then eyes go back to the other side of the shop, where a girl is sat on a stool, a keyboard in front of her. She’s got olive skin and long black hair that cascades down one shoulder, she leans towards the microphone and begins to talk.

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