Chapter Thirteen: What He Thinks

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Niall's Point of View

I knew we'd be over. The moment she found out that I'd gotten another girl pregnant she'd drop me like a hot potato. So that's why I hadn't told her. I was praying Molly was somehow wrong, that the enlarged tummy and the Baby growing inside her wasn't already a big enough clue. 

I just wanted things with Lennox to work this time. But we had failed before we'd even started. 

But then there was a scan. There was my baby on the monitor, and I was happy. It was a different happiness I felt with Lennox, she made me unbelievably happy, but the sight of this baby on a screen, hearing the heart beat, it was like every paternal instinct erupted inside me and I was left with nothing except pride that I'd managed to not fuck something up for once.  

Then there was the paparazzi, thinking they were clever hiding in the bushes, taking pictures of me with my ex-girlfriend coming out of a baby clinic, Harry close behind. We’d all been caught. That was my mistake, that I didn’t tell Lennox straight away, I just wanted a few more days, weeks even, when things were okay between us.

The moment I got back to the room, my eyes on the scan, I realised what I was going to lose. Lennox wouldn't wait around, she wants kids of her own, not to raise someone else's. And I cried my fucking eyes out. Who wouldn't? I'd gotten a girl pregnant at 20 and because of that I was going to lose the one girl that is meant for me. 

That morning, I got woken up, unsurprisingly, with loud bangs on the door. Lennox was already up and out of the bed to answer the door, and that was the moment I knew I'd finally lost her. Again.

"Oh hey Zayn-"

"Where is he?" I hear him growl, and in comes Zayn, followed by Liam and Harry. 

"What's this about?" Lennox asks, raising her eyebrows at Zayn, my best mate, who was currently giving me a death glare. 

"I just got off the phone with Louis, who told me he saw something interesting in the papers today." He rolls his eyes, "So was I the only one who didn't know?" He asks, looking around at the group that had now started in our room, now that Tamia and Lou had joined. 

There were echoes of "I didn't" and then Lennox steps forward. 

"Didn't know what, exactly?" She catches eye contact slowly with the entire crowd, before her eyes set on me. 

"I assumed you knew," Zayn says, "I mean, you guys have been distant lately that when I found out-"

"Found out what?" She interrupts, raising her voice even more, her eyes are welling up and Zayn bites his lip.

"Well Niall he..." Harry turns the TV on, and Zayn stops talking, as Lennox's eyes travel to the TV instead. 

"The whole of America has woken up to the news that Niall Horan, member of One Direction, who has recently caused scandal of hiding from the media with his girlfriend Lennox Kardashian is going to be a daddy!" Lennox laughs, shaking her head,

"You guys, I'm not preg-"

"But this baby is not with the soon to be ex-wife of reality star Rob Kardashian, but with Molly Carter, alleged ex-girlfriend who initially caused their break up in the first place!"

Harry turns the TV off again, and eyes are no longer glaring at me, but are set on the floor. 

"Everyone get out." She mutters, before screaming the words again. 

I want to get up to of my position and throw my arms around my crying girlfriend, whisper words that tell her it isn't true and the only person I'm ever going to have a child with is her. But instead I'm frozen in my place as she combs her fingers through strands of hair, never being still for more than a second. 

"I-" she stops herself. Bringing her hand to her mouth and a choked sob is muffled. 

"Come here." I didn't expect her to, but she crawls across the bed, her head on my lap, just as I had been comforted by her last night. "I didn't want this to happen. The only girl I ever wanted kids with was you." 

"I don't understand." She cries. "She can't be pregnant. She's lying. It's not your kid, she's faking it. She can't be pregnant." 

"She is." I confirm. "I went to the scan with her yesterday." She shakes her head, and she grabs onto my shirt, squeezing it tightly and she screws up her eyes. 

"That should be me. I should be the girl you go to scans with. Niall, why am I so jealous? I don't want her to be having your baby. I wish it was me." 

"Then I'm not. I'll tell Molly I don't want to be in the baby's life. Then the only kids I'll have is with you." I didn’t mean the words I said, I didn’t want to give up the chance of having a child, even if it wasn’t with Lennox, I just want to make Lennox happy. That’s all I ever wanted with her, I wanted us to be happy. But I’m always messing it up.

She sits up, almost jumping off the bed. 

"Is that what you think I want?" She shouts. "No! Do you really think I'm that selfish? That I'd want your child to not have you in its life because I'm upset?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Lenn, I just don't want to lose you."

"Who said you were losing me?" She jokes, "Ni, every word I've ever said to you, every 'I love you', you don't know how much I meant it. Those months apart, they were good, they allowed us to... Understand what life was without each other and life with you is so much better. I mean, I must've written 10 songs about not needing you anymore after our break up. And I meant them because, I felt hurt that I could commit so much to you and you threw that's back in my face. But I understand why you did it. And... Now we're going to do this together." She pauses, "that is, unless Molly doesn't want me-"

"She wants you involved." I interrupt. "She does. She said she's completely over me and that she just wants the best life possible for the baby and she doesn't want this to affect our relationship."

She opens her mouth to speak. But no words come out. 

“Don’t leave me again.” I beg, “I know I mess up, but I can’t be without you. I don’t want this to change our relationship, I don’t want us to have secrets between us I want everything out in the open from now on, I want this to work.” She walks round the bed, taking my bigger hands in hers and squeezes. Then she wraps her arms around my neck and I pull her closer towards me, so close.

“Are we still going back to London?” She nods, watching me closely, and she traces my bottom lip with her finger.

“We’ll go back, and we’ll do what we were supposed to do last time, we’ll ignore what everyone says about us, because they don’t even begin to know the full story.” I agree, and I get up to get dressed and packed. Lennox only asks me one final question: “How far along is she?”

“21 weeks. The baby’s due in May.” 


So, if you didn't read storylines, and didn't previously know what the secret was, now you do. 

So I'm imagining people screaming "I KNEW IT" or dying because they had no idea. 

The Way by Ariana Grande Ft. Mac Miller on the side, even though it came out a while ago, it's still one of my favourite songs

And you guys who thought Lennox would break up with Niall, shame on you! ;D

I'm sorry I didn't udpate yesteray! I was too tired after I got home from Sixth Form induction, but now I'm officially off for the summer! :D 


45 votes and 23 comments for the next update? Which should be on Tuesday :)

Remember to follow my twitter as well! @IzHoran XD

Also I just posted the first chapter of 'He's Harry Styles, and I'm His Beard'! It's not just Larry it's also a Niall story so knowing that you all like Niall stories, you might like this ;)


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