Chapter Twenty-Six: 'You're Ruined'

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I’ll never get used to Awards Shows. Celebrities and Artists all hustled into one big room and they hand out awards that they were nominated for by some officials. The whole idea of it is confusing, choosing out of set people and songs to decide which is the best and give them an award.

Unlike the last Awards Show I went to, I decided to go dateless, Tamia by my side after I had insisted that now she was dating Harry and it was known she works for me, she may as well have fun whilst she gets ridiculed by his fans. I even got hate as the relationship came public, because apparently it was all my fault that they had met each other, Tamia works for me, so I must have introduced them. If only the One Direction fans knew that Tamia had actually know Harry a lot longer than any of them knew.

Niall had asked me if I wanted to arrive with him, but what good would that do? We’ve already shown a united front, I don’t need to prove anything to people anymore, I can arrive by myself with only my assistant with me. Niall can arrive with the rest of the band. Plus, if he arrived with me instead of them people would only make up rumours that I was separating Niall from his bandmates.

It was all better for everyone this way. Except for my nerves.

How many people were going to be here?

“Lennox! Over here!” I answered the calls of the photographers, my hand automatically going to my hip over the top of a white dress with puffy shoulder pads that had been chosen by my stylist, Megan. She’d also brought my hair all up into a bun and I wore metallic shades of make-up with strong, defining eyeliner. She wanted to make me seem strong, and that’s exactly what she had done. She’d transformed me into a warrior, on the outside.

“Lennox what do you think your chances are of winning these awards you are nominated for tonight?” A pap asks me, and Dictaphones are shoved in my direction to hear my answer.

“I think it’s good just to be nominated for the Awards tonight. It means that even after everything that has happened the one thing that means more to me than anything, my music, is still recognised for what it is. “ I’d been trained in my answer for tonight, actually I was trained for any answers that were going to be asked of me by Tessa, who didn’t want any more mishaps after everything that had happened in the public light lately.

“And you once tweeted to Tia that you would beat her in any awards that you were up against, do you think that tonight is to stand by your promise?”

“I’m not really interested in the result of what awards I win and what awards I don’t tonight.” I was breaking Tessa’s rehearsed answers, but that was only because she’d never told me how to answer this. “I want to see what it’s going to be like to finally meet her face-to-face. She started this when I didn’t even have any idea who she was and she continued to try and get a reaction out of me by replying to everything I tweeted, quite sad really, I’m interested to see how she is going to act around me when it’s no longer through cyber-bullying but actually in front of people.”

Tamia whispers in my ear to answer one or two more questions before moving on, and the first of the two is about Niall, as I’m asked how Niall is reacting to this baby news and I answer as Tessa told me to, to say it’s still sinking in and he’s excited to become a dad and the second, is more directed towards me. It caught me off-guard.

“Lennox what is your response to the pictures seen of Niall in a ring shop?”


“A ring shop?” I hiss to Tamia as she steered me towards my seat, which happened to be the next table along from a table marked Tia. You’ve got to love how these Awards Shows make things interesting. Harry and Liam were already sat down and I was sat next to Niall, of course, Tessa had arranged for us all to be sat together and Harry’s face lit up as he saw Tamia and I sitting at the table.

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