Chapter Four: Phone Calls

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Forewarning: this is crap.

“No.” I reply immediately. “No way.” I shake my head, tears stinging my eyes. “I refuse Niall, what possible could be so important that we need to go home?”

“The fact that you felt the need to write a bloody song about fixing the mistakes you’ve made!” He motions to the laptop. “Clearly it’s driving you crazy!”

“No. I just... I had to apologise. I feel like I’ve let everyone down.”

“By what? Being with me?” He questioned, a definite frown on his face, his forehead creasing.

“That’s complete bullshit!” I argue.  “One more night Niall, if that’s all you’ll give me, give us one more night here!”

Begging like this became regular occurances between us both. One day Niall would insist on our returning home, then, the next I’d read harsh tweets and break down in tears. We just couldn’t win. The paradise was here, all I needed was here with me, but I had to go back at some point.

“Lenn, Haz wants to speak to you!” Niall shouts from the bedroom, I exit the bathroom, wiping away a solitary tear that had fallen down my cheek. I skip into the bedroom, Niall holding the phone out to me and I collapse onto the bed, my head on Niall’s chest, the phone pressed to my ear and I smile instantly at the tugging of my hair as Niall begins to loop stray curls around his finger.

“Hey Harreh!” I greet, sounding chipper down the phone.

“Lenn, I don’t know what to do.” He whispers down the phone, immediately I’m sitting upright, I’ve noticed this tone of his voice before, desperation, anger, sadness.

“Harry? What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know what to do.” He repeats, “She’s here, Lennox!” His voice comes out higher than before, anxiety. But in all honesty, I had no idea who she was.

“Who?” I ask.

“Tamia!” Immediately, realisation floods through me at the mention of the name. “You know... the girl who I told you about?” How could I forget? A girl who he clearly had no power over himself to forget, a girl who he, most likely, felt about more than a friend once in the past.

“Why? Is she there to be friends again?”

“She said she wanted to ‘make amends’.”

“Why does it sound like you haven’t made amends?” I question, Niall had his hands on my shoulder, massaging into my neck, an attempt to distract me from my conversation, but I just needed to help him. To make him realise that he, deep down, wants to be friends with her again.

“No chance.”

“Harry Edward Styles!” I exclaim, “You ring her up right now and tell her you do want to be friends!”

“No!” He insists.

“If she’s sought you out to make amends-“

“She’s not here to talk to me, she says she wants to find contact with her dad again, but that’s a load of bullshit.” He sighs. “Anyway, how is it there? Hot?” I knew that it was an attempt to change the subject. But even surprising to myself, I drop it, he doesn’t want to do it under my orders. Maybe, I’m not supposed to force him into this friendship with the mysterious girl Tamia, maybe the only way it will work, is if Harry discovers that he doesn’t want to lose her again, by himself.

“It is most definitely very hot. I’ve been in a bikini everyday! You’d love it, all the girls around her are wearing barely anything, I’m sure you’d find a nude beach somewhere.” Harry chuckles to my joking, and I’m glad I managed to get some happiness out of him.

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