Chapter Twenty-One: Him

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A/N: So, someone might have copied off Dance With Me... Just read the ending note to find out.

Also, if you read Storylines as well, I'd read that first so you don't get any spoilers ;D

Niall Horan

I press call on my phone and ring Lennox, waiting for her to answer and when it rings through until voicemail I hang up and ring her again, then she answers immediately.
“I swear, this bloody phone Ni. It’s like the moment I pick it up to answer it stops your call just to spite me.” I laugh, glad to hear that happy voice of hers and she then laughs too.

“You sound happy.” I inform her. “I have something that will make you happier.”

“What’s that?” She asks before squealing, “are you in America?”

“No. See, now you’ve just made it seem less cool and happy.” I point out lightly whilst Lennox’s laugh rings through my ears. That’s all I want to do, I just love to make her laugh. “Right, so I was talking to Harry and I asked him about the kiss and stuff… and he told me he thinks he’s going to ask Tamia out.” I get the reaction I want with the squeal that I hear, so loud that I have to pull the phone away from my ear.

“Really? When?” She asks, “You have to tell me Ni! What exactly did he say? Because I thought he just kissed her because he felt like it.”

“No… it was more, it felt like the natural thing to do.” I can imagine her frowning in thought as she takes in my words, sitting cross-legged on her hotel bed and then playing with the stray ends of her hair. God I need to see her.

“So when is he going to ask her?”

“I’m guessing when he next sees her.” I answer. “By the way, when am I going to see you? I really miss you.”

“I don’t know.” She replies, which makes me sigh. It’s hard, with the arguing that we have done lately and I’ve hardly been able to see her, which is crazy because she’s only been gone for 15 days. But it feels so much longer than that. “Soon.”

“What if I came to LA?” I ask her and the sigh in response tells me that wasn’t the best idea. “Do you not want to see me?”

“Ni I’d love nothing more than to be sat here with you right now. It’s just… I feel like this is something I have to do by myself, promos and after Christmas I’m touring-“

“I’m touring too! Or have you forgotten? Lenn with a world tour I can’t be flying off around the place to see you, and you’ll have to be in America to do your tour… It’s not going to work if we’re both touring at the same time.”

“I know Ni, I know!” She responds, her voice strained like it often is when we fight. We’re not arguing right now are we? “But I mean… this divorce, Rob is out all guns blazing and I’m fighting hard for everything.”

“Yeah, what were those uh, tweets about?”

“He made stupid demands.” I roll my eyes and she continues, “He was trying to get some of the money I’d earned before our relationship and then he tried to argue that Rolo was his-“

“Like fuck he is! What?” Did he seriously try to get hold of our Rolo? The dog I’d got her almost a year ago?

“Don’t worry, I put him in his place. He’s just so… harsh. I think he’s taking the whole us getting back together thing personally. Well, who can blame him? If it weren’t for you I’d still be married to him.”

“Don’t joke about stuff like that.” I mumble. The idea of Lennox still being with that guy was… hard to think about. “It’s crazy. A year ago we were together. It’s hard to imagine that between then and now…”
“I married someone else?” She finishes. “It is crazy. I don’t know how I could fit all that in to that space of time.”

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