Chapter Twenty: Guaranteed Happiness

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 In case you were wondering, it's a pretty long author's note at the end. but it's quite important at the beginning. I warn you when it goes a bit crazy and emotional. And of complete non-importance. But it could be fun to read! So, just read the beginning of my author's note, because that's important. Very important. 

I was in an office. That morning, bright and early I’d left my hotel with only a handbag and a tummy full of butterflies that just wouldn’t leave me no matter my attempts to calm myself down. Then I got into a taxi, gave the address and stared out the window, my nerves never leaving me, and watching the buildings and other cars pass me until they are out of sight. Then I ask go to the floor that I was directed to, which happened to be the thirteenth. An unlucky number viewed by some. It also happened to be the date that Niall was born on, and the date I got married on, and what are tha chances…

I waited outside, waiting for the man who I was waiting for, Dean Percival who directed me inside a large office, a table in the middle of the room, papers covered almost half of the table, and two people were sitting on one side, as myself and Dean sat on the other.

“Hi Rob.” I try to act cheerful, try to make it seem like we were here for a friendly chat, not another crazy settlement meeting.

“Rob would like to discuss the couple’s assets today.” Rob’s lawyer informs us and Dean nods, going through his binder to look at figures that we had already discussed in large detail, because this is all it settled down to, how we would divide the money.

“Well I think it’s safe to say that both parties should keep the money that was put into a joint account that was earned from their respective careers.” Dean begins but the lawyer cuts him off like a sheep ‘bu-ba’ and then holds up his pen to silence Dean.

“I think we should go over the details that this is in fact, a joint account and the money should be spread equally.” I shake my head, I’d put more money into an account that we had made together, an account for the future, an account in case anything were ever to happen to one of us, an account we had never dreamed at the time of making it, that we would have to cut it down into different proportions and divide it between us in an ugly divorce.

Because that’s definitely what it was.

It may have been an easy separation, but nothing about this was simple in the slightest. I wanted what was rightfully mine, and Rob was grappling everywhere to get his hands on whatever he could reach. He was being greedy, he was trying to make me pay for what I’ve put him through, but I won’t stand for that.

Lennox used to be a pushover, but I’m not going to let him make all these demands just because his ego was hurt, I want what is mine and I’m going to get it.

“I put more money into that account and you know it.” I growl across the table directing myself to him and he shrugs.

“I put more into the relationship, obviously.” I roll my eyes, leaning backwards and crossing my arms, glaring daggers at him. Dean clears his throat.

“The full amount in the account is-“

“We all know the details of their assets, we know how much each other wants, but we just need to find a compromise.”

“I’m not compromising.” I tell his lawyer. “That was the money I put into the account, that’s the money I get out. Plus half the money that was made from the show.”

“But the show was part of a brand, Kardashians.” Rob stresses, “You don’t have a say in that anymore.”

“I married the brand.” I remind him, returning as much bitterness in my voice that he had used. “I deserve half. I was half of the marriage. Half the couple. Half the show.”

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