Chapter 1

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Sadie's P.O.V

Tobi stepped out of his car at the end of the long mountainous road and stared at the old cabin deep into the forest. It had taken him longer to get here than he had hoped. The fall sky was quickly giving way to the coming darkness. A breeze rustled the dried yellow and red leaves that had recently fallen giving life to the dead.

Tobi wasn't keen on being here alone but he wanted to write about the unspeakable deaths that occurred here and needed to see the place and feel its atmosphere.

The breeze began to pick up and seemed to carry distant whispers as Tobi took his tape recorder and a flashlight from his bag and walked up to the cabin door. He stepped inside, switched on his light and began speaking into the recorder.

A fear quickly crept into his soul while he searched about the room. The darkness appeared to be a solid, breathing entity of its own. A fear grew in his heart as the flash light he was holding dimmed.

"These are new batteries!" he moaned shaking the light.

The darkness quickly swallowed the little light emitted. The voices were getting closer and a rustling was all around him. A voice eerily laughed into his ear. He spun around to see his tormenter but the light was useless. He wanted to run but his escape was blocked by the darkness. The voices were getting louder. The room was getting cold. The darkness was alive, and even as he tried to scream, the strangling hands of darkness wrapped around his throat in a vast, and sudden movement, he knew he was a goner...

I jolted upward in my seat a little as the movie had reached its climax. It had before occurred to me that this would happen, since it was a horror film, and even though I braced myself, it still scared me. It was mostly because of the horrific, blood churning scream that I heard.

And it hadn't come from the movie.


I looked around across the room; no one else seemed to notice. Almost our whole gang was there, except for that one person, and that gave me a bad memento.

Call it instinct, or call it what you wish, but I call it reoccurring, because that person I'm talking about had gotten into hot water many times before, so whenever she's absent from our group (which isn't often since all 9 of us are almost always together) she's most likely getting into trouble, because that's how Rosey is.

It's not necessarily her fault, or any of ours. But being born on the East side of town, with not so nice homes, and tough personalities, your automatically on your way to trouble. But being a Greaser, well that's an even shorter trip to trouble for us. Especially her, she just is an easy target. Sure, shes tuff, I mean you half to be tough in this day and age. But she's dainty looking, and people take advantage of that. So she gets into trouble a lot.

Greasers are typically boys, but some girls, like myself, and Rosey, have the classification too. Greasers aren't hard to spot; leather jackets, ripped jeans, long hair greased back. Sort of like hoods. There are Greaser gangs too, like the one I'm in. It's less like a gang and more like a group of tight knot friends that you spend all of your time with, but we call it a gang. There's other gangs around Tulsa, too. Like Tim Shepherd's outfit. But gang's find themselves in a lot of trouble quite frequently, and most of us don't like hunting up any trouble.

There are 9 members, myself, Rosemarie Curtis, my brother Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darrel Curtis, Ponyboy Curtis, Dallas Winston, Steve Randle, and Two-Bit Mathews.

Rosemarie Curtis, who we call Rosey most of the time, is the youngest member of our gang, at 14. She's the kind of pretty that people would turn their heads and stare when she walks into room. No joke. She's got ice blue eyes, and long curly brown hair. She looks like her brother, Soda, except she has her other brother Darrel, (who we call Darry)'s eyes. I find it funny that her eyes are so cold, yet she's got the warmest and most inviting personality. She's sweet, quiet around strangers, absent-minded, and wild. She's the youngest, yet most rebellious out of her family. Her second oldest brother, Soda, is extremely over protective of her, and it drives her nuts. But she's so forgetful, it drives him nuts.

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