Chapter 4

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Rosemarie's P.O.V

I put my hands on Johnny's chest and pushed him away quickly. He looked confused. I sprung to my feet. And before he could say anything, I did.

"Gotta pee!" I said, and ran off.

Johnny sat there, his back facing us, fiddling with his thumbs.

Before she could react, since she was already shocked from what she had witnessed, I leaped onto her, tackling her to the ground. It was easy, since she was caught off guard, I pinned her shoulders down with my knees, trapping her. She still tried to fight. I slapped my hand over her mouth. She made muffled noises, but quickly silenced after multiple death threats.

"What did you see?" I hissed. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins, along with fear. She fought until I moved my hand from her mouth.

"Just you kissing my brother!" She hissed right back. My eyes widened, and my fists clenched.

No, No, No!

I started punching her chest in anger, she tried to grab onto my wrists to calm me down, but I just kept smashing her. In my irate state, all I could think about was Johnny and I's relationship ruined, and that's what angered me most.

"I won't tell anyone!"  She choked out between my hits. I stopped.

"You won't?" I muttered. She shook her head. I rolled off of her, lying on the grass, and panting with Sadie beside me doing the same. My anger melted away.

"For Pete's sake, you sure can pack a punch." She groaned rubbing her chest. I felt guilty.

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking up at the sky. She shrugged. We were quiet, remembering Johnny was only a few meters away.

"How long?" She whispered. I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut trying to block out this nightmare. It didn't work.

"6 months." I said. She was quiet, a serious distant look in her big brown eyes.

"Wow..." She managed to say.

I felt even worse after that. And she must have felt lousy too. I mean, she was my best friend, and she didn't even know I was dating her brother. We told each other everything, that's what best friend's do. I guess I wasn't a very good best friend.

"I'm sorry..." I insinuated. She sighed.

"It's okay, I get why you didn't tell me," She said softly, I looked over at her. I could tell she understood, but I explained anyway.

"S-Soda can't know, that's why I didn't say anything-"

"I get it, it's cool." She stopped me. I took a good look at her, and thought to myself, wow, she's great, I mean, she completely get's it. Completely.

She looked back at me curiosity in her eyes. "Do you love him?" She asked. I huffed, because I didn't know.

I mean, I knew what it felt like to love someone, I love my brothers and my parents and the gang, but loving someone like, Johnny, well, I didn't know if what I felt for him was love, because I've never been in love with anyone like that. Also, loving someone in an intimate way scared the hell out of me.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully. She accepted my bad excuse of an answer and stood up. Johnny was about 200 meters away, and still had his back to us. No knowledge of anything.

Sadie scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, the air around us filled with tension.

"Just... Please don't tell anyone, especially Soda?" I begged, my throat tightening with the lump that had formed.

She stared at me long and hard. "Yeah, okay," She said bleakly. I gulped; her words didn't settle my nerves. She turned to walk away, but I grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her to face me, frantically.

"Sadie! Please?" Tears threatened to fall from my damp eyes and I bit down on my lip to keep them from springing to life.

She nodded slowly. "I promise. Don't worry, I can keep a secret," She said, smiled, and then ran off into the empty street.

I stared vacuously at the street light emitting the only source of light. I watched as her shadow faded when she rounded the corner of the street, away from my sight.

I ran a shaky hand through my hair as the cold hands of fear unnerved my senses and wrapped around my heart, squeezing out any other emotion I could feel. The headache from the previous day only seemed to be getting bigger now as more worries and aggravation piled onto my list.  

I turned around and walked back to Johnny plastering a tight smile on my face. I sat down beside him. His big eyes watched me as I settled back down.

"Hey," I said quietly staring ahead at the old vacant playground rusting by day.

"Everything okay?" He asked, his thumb running gingerly over my cheek.

"I think so," I shrugged, because I really was unsure if it was or not.

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