Chapter 7

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Sadie's P.O.V

I walked into the Curtis's house with Johnny by my side. We hadn't said much to each other. I wasn't as mad about what happened, not like Rosey was. But she had her reasons.

The radio was loud and Pony was opening one of his presents. I guessed it was from Rosey, because of the wrapping job.She not much of an artist, considering it was wrapped in newspaper.

He ripped open the wrapped present, pulling out a book. I caught a glimpse of the title, Gone With The Wind.

Ponyboy's eyes lit up as he marveled at the book.

"Wow Rosey, thanks! How'd ya know I wanted this?" He said. Her smile grew. Her hair was damp, probably from showering, and he had natural ringlets forming. She looked as fresh as a daisy, beautiful. I could see Johnny eyeing her.

"I heard you say something 'bout it once," She said softly. Pony put the book aside.

"Thanks a ton," He said, eyeing the book, clearly wanting to get started.

 I was leaning against the door frame; Pony had finished opening his presents, so I flopped down on the couch beside him, slinging my arm across his shoulders and smiling at him.

"16 going on 80! Is that a grey hair I see Pone?" I sneered, poking his nose. He swatted my hand away, smiling.

"Sooooo, what'd you get me?" He drawled. I laughed lightly.

"I thought I'd make you some of my absolutely delicious and famous chocolate ca-"I said, and Pony's eyes grew into saucers.

"Yes! Oh Golly! The best chocolate cake ever!" He practically screamed in delight.

Just then, Two-Bit came over, and flinging onto me and Pony, he propped himself up on one elbow.

"Did I hear you're makin' me cake?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow, I shoved him so he went tumbling onto the ground. He made an "Ufff" noise and sprawled across the floor.

"I'm makin Pone cake, it ain't your birthday!" I laughed. Soda leaned against the wall.

"What about me?" He cooed, in a slightly seductive voice.

"Do I get some of your delicious cake?" He practically begged. I stared at him, shaking my head slightly. Signaling for him to stop, that he was going too far. He sunk down onto the couch and acted normal again.

"No, do you not understand the concept of present, or birthday?" I sighed, winking at Soda out of the corner of my eye.

"Pleeeeaaaassssse!" Soda groaned his face close to mine. I put my hands on his chest pushing him away, laughing.

"Fine, as long as it's okay with Pony," I said. Soda eyed him with a serious face.

"Remember who you share a bed with, and he could easily murder you in your sleep!" Soda warned.

"Is my cake really worth murdering your brother?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow like Two-Bit.

Soda shrugged, "I don't think jail would be that bad, I mean, you get your own bathroom, and they make you your own food," He inquired.

"But you wouldn't get any of Sadie's cake in jail," Pony reminded, smirking in amusement.

"True! So how 'bout it Sadie Cadie little old lady?" Soda said, smiling like a chessy cat. I punched his shoulder.

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