Chapter 19

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Sadie’s P.O.V





I awkwardly hobbled up the driveway to the Curtis house on my stiff, incompetent crutches, gawkily. Soda was at my left, his hand on my lower back to support me. I had been released from the hospital and was happy to see sunlight besides out a window for the first time in a week.

Everyone was gone to work/ drinking or whatever.

Soda opened the door to find a sleeping Rosey and Johnny in the living room to our surprise.

Rosey was curled up on the couch and Johnny sprawled out on the floor, both wrapped up in wool blankets.

It was sweet; they both looked so young in their sleep, Johnny looked Rosey’s age at present, his greasy hair swept back, showing his entire, innocent face.

Rosey looked like a tender, fragile child; her long curls hung around her pale face. Without her icy eyes to be shown, she looked pure and untainted.

Soda had a soft, small smile, watching them intently.

He tentatively closed the door. Johnny’s eyes shot open quickly. He sat up and rubbed his forehead, pushing down his bangs to cover his face.

We didn’t look a lot alike. His skin was darker than mine and my eyes were lighter than his. But we looked like brother and sister; not twins.

“Hi…” He mumbled, his gaze casting towards Rosey’s still body. She could be mistaken for dead every time she slept, she was so still.

“What are you doing here?” My voice came out in a strain of exhaustion.

“Ma and Dad were gettin’ into another fight, I had to leave before they… well, you know,” he sighed, still looking at Rosey.

“Oh, okay,” I mumbled wistfully. Johnny looked at Soda hurriedly.

“I’m sorry Sodapop, I just didn’t know where to go and Rosey said I could stay here so I did, I-“

“Johnny, you know you can always stay here, don’t ever apologize for something you can’t change.” Johnny nodded, relaxing a little.

“Besides, I’m glad you were here to keep an eye on Rosey-- thanks,” Soda said gratefully.

 Suddenly it got awkward, I knew me and Johnny had similar thoughts.

Soda didn’t seem to notice, he started to shake Rosey awake.

“Rosey, time to get up,” He said in a tentative voice. She groaned and rolled over to face the other way. Sodapop sighed, shaking her harder; finally she opened her eyes and sat up.

Suddenly she was the 14 year old again, and I was saddened by this.

Her eyes lit up when she saw me, a smile spread across her pale face. “Sadie, you’re out!” She said her voice light and feathery, and lethargic with sleep.

I smiled, nodding. “Free as a bird,” I remarked. Rosey pushed her curls out of her face, which had managed to just fall back to its place within seconds.

She sighed, gripping her hair in her hand, yanking at it in frustration.

“Sadie,” she asked, her voice beckoning me over to her, “Can you braid it back for me?”

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