Chapter 11

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Sadie’s P.O.V        

Soda and I ended up walking to the park, still hand in hand. It was windy out; my hair that had once been tame was now blowing aimlessly around in the gusts attacking it. Every few feet Soda would stop to kiss me, I giggled at his sweetness. He pushed the hair out of my face, kissing me lightly, first my chin, my cheeks, my nose, and then my lips. He liked doing that, and I wasn’t complaining.

We ended up lying on the damp grass. My head was on his chest, I could hear his heart beating strongly, like I could hear Rosey’s last night. They had similar heart beats, I wondered if it was a sibling thing, or maybe it was just something they both had in common that they didn’t know.

He fiddled with my wavy brown locks, wrapping his fingers around them loosely, and then uncurling it.

I listened to his heart beat, enjoying the moment too much.




“You know you’re beautiful,” He mumbled, making me smile.

“Not-“I started, but he cut me off.

“Don’t deny me the pleasure of calling my girlfriend beautiful, there are very few beautiful things in my life that I can acknowledge, I’d like to enjoy this,” He said. There was silence.

“You’re lame,” I laughed, so did he.

“I guess I am, aren’t I? Rosey says the same thing,” His laughter died down. I bit my lip.

“You know, I love her, so much, but she- she never listens, and I just don’t want her getting hurt, but she doesn’t listen. God, she’s so frustrating,” He said, laughing at the end. I smiled lightly, even though I knew he couldn’t see.

“She’s been actin’ weird lately, don’t you think?” He inquired. My heart lurched forward.

“Uh, N-No what makes you say that?” I asked, twisting my body so I was facing him.

“I dunno, she’s just so, mad, and sad, and she tries to sneak out a lot, I never know where she is,” He sounded genuinely worried for his sister’s well being.

“Maybe she’s doing drugs,” He mumbled. I started laughing, he looked at me,

“What?” He asked, I chuckled.

“You’re so silly, Rosey’s 14 Soda, she ain’t doin’ drugs,” I shook my head. He sighed.

“Yeah, I know, but sometimes with that kid, I dunno what goes through her mind, she never thinks about her safety, just everyone else’s, like you, you’re so self less, one of the things I love about ya, but she’s always gettin into trouble, she doesn’t think,” He exclaimed.

“You love that about me?” I asked, looking at him curiously. A smile spread across his face.

“Of course, I love everythin about you,” He said. He looked at me hurriedly.

“I mean, I love Rosey as well, to death, I’d do anything for her, she just frustrates me is all,” He said quickly. I smiled.

“You don’t have to convince me Sodapop, she’s the one that need’s convincing.” I stated.

 Before he could to anything, I climbed on top of him, my legs at his sides, and my hands cupping his face. I started kissing his, his hands wrapped around my lower waist, pulling me closer to him.

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