Chapter 5

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Sadie's P.O.V

The walk to the DX was long and left me over thinking everything that had happened. I had a nauseous, lousy feeling in the pit of my stomach, everything was just... wrong.

I didn't know how to feel about the whole thing. I mean, my best friend was dating my brother, and somehow I had a guilty twisting pain in my stomach.

And I knew why, because I was lying to Rosey about something, too. But I didn't tell her like she told me. Well, she didn't really tell me, but she did, if you know what I mean.

It was getting dark quick.  I knew I shouldn't have been walking that late, Johnny would worry; you just never know what's around the corner waiting for you when you're a Greaser.

 I walked into the vacant store, the florescent lighting meeting my eyes as I started to walk down the aisles to the back. Like I always did.

He was waiting for me like he always was, a goofy grin on his face, and his eyes lit up when he saw me. But mine didn't, because all I was thinking about was Rosey, and how I was betraying our friendship.

"Hey baby," He said pulling me into his embrace, I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly.

"Hi," I mumbled, my face pressed into his chest. He pulled away and lifted my chin so I could look at him.

"Don't worry, Steve's in the back so he can't see us, it's just us." He said thinking that was what was distracting me. But, he was very wrong.

I faked a smile.

"Okay," I insinuated, looking out the back window of the DX that was chinked from the normally drawn shutters. I looked away, my thoughts drifting back to the blue eyes that were deadly and cold.

"What's wrong Sade?" He asked now sounding worried. I averted my gaze to him. His light hazel eyes were filled with life, emotion, and happiness.

I knew I loved him, Sodapop Curtis.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just glad I'm here with you," I said, and I meant it.

 I loved spending time with Soda, even though I had to sneak around to do it, because I really didn't want Johnny knowing I was dating his best friend, but now I know he's dating mine, I don't know how to feel.

Soda quickly closed the gap between us, connecting his lips to mine. I felt some of my uncertainties melt away when I kissed him. My worries and suspicions not so... prominent. I was thinking about Soda now, and that always made me feel better.

But something made my breath catch in my throat. Or someone, I should say. It looked like she had just walked in, but froze once she saw us.


Rosemarie's P.O.V

I kissed Johnny goodbye and headed off to the DX. Soda and I were gonna walk home together, like we did quite often when I was out on a school night.

But when I got there he seemed to be... Preoccupied.

I walked in nonchalantly, but stopped when I saw Soda and Sadie in the back of the store, kissing.

I froze, completely stunned. I didn't understand, as if my brain had short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. Around me, everything seemed to be in fast-forward while I was motionless in the middle of it all. One thought formed while I stood there dumbfounded. Sadie was a hypocrite.

She saw me out of the corner of her eye, I wasn't hard to spot, but Soda had his back to me. He didn't see me, and Sadie took that to her advantage, pulling away from him, and bounding towards me.

Before I had time to react, she was dragging me out of the DX. I was still too shocked to resist, so I just stumbled along after her.

As realization started to sink in, my anger was flushing out.

Sadie looked terrified, as she should be.

"You son of a-"I was yelling, but she clasped her hand over my mouth to silence my rage.

"If you want to talk, you half to be quiet," she whispered, looking in through the window to see if Soda was looking, he wasn't.  

I ripped her hand from my mouth and pushed her away from me.

"You hypocrite!" I whisper shouted, my eyes danced with rage and my teeth clenched. I had to resist punching her. Literally.

"I couldn't tell you," She said calmly. This made me even madder.

"Yeah, but when you found out about me and Johnny you flipped! While you were kissing my brother you little- you little- UGH!" I screeched, satisfying myself with punching the side of the DX wall. My hand was throbbing but I ignored it. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was more angry at Sadie or Soda.

Soda wouldn't let me date; the last time a guy tried to pick me up, Soda crushed his jaw and gave me a long disturbingly detailed talk about guys that made the hairs on my neck stand up. I steered clear of guys for a while. Until I started feeling something for Johnny, and when I found out he returned the feelings, we started dating. I knew if Sodapop found out we were dating he'd flip, and wouldn't let me leave the house until I was 30 or something. But the fact that he was also sneaking around with my best friend, that's what bugged me.

She leaned against the cement wall beside me, staring at me in anticipation.

"How long?" I said, that question being asked a second time that night, more than my personal liking.

"About 4 months," she said quietly. I sighed, trying to control the anger flaring.

"Look, I get you have every right to be mad, I mean, we were both lying to each other, and I know this makes me a bad best friend and all-" She tried to explain, I stopped her.

"No, it's okay, I'm not really mad at you, it's just.... I dunno, I feel sort of betrayed by my brother, like, he doesn't let me date, yet he's sneaking around with my best friend, you dig?" She nodded and I could tell she did get it. I scratched the back of my neck.

"Soda's gonna worry...." She began trying to ease the awkward silence.

"Well, I'm gonna go then, tell Soda I just walked home without 'em," I said quietly, jamming my fists in my pocket and stalking off. I turned around and smiled slightly.

"Oh, and don't worry, I won't tell Johnny. I can keep a secret, see you around," I said. She returned the smile and said what she always said; it was a famous line in our friendship.

"Not if I see you first," And added a wink.

I turned around and walked off in the dark Tulsa streets, completely distracted by new thoughts fresh in my mind.

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