Chapter 14

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Sadie's P.O.V

The ceiling fan blew around the condensed and mucky air in the room. I thanked the heavens it was raining harshly outside the house we were in; when we leave it'll cool me off and wake me up, maybe even help shake off some of the alcohol I drank.  The radio was playing lightly in the background.

I wasn't a heavy drinker, never have been. Well, not compared to Rosey or Dal, even Johnny drinks more than me. I liked Jack Dailey's, but that was about it, I didn't like the taste of the lot of it. Besides that, I hadn't dranken alcohol since I was like, 16, and that's a year.

A year more than a lot of people would wait.  

Dal was always drinking, almost as much a Two-Bit did. But Dal drank heavy stuff; vodka, whiskey, scotch, gin, that sort of thing. Rosey started this year, she drank lightly before, now she drinks a lot. Soda has only caught her drinking once, and he grounded her for two weeks.  

As soon as she started to sway on her feet and slur her words, I knew she was in for trouble. It was only 5 o'clock, and she was clearly drunk. 

She was really different when she was drunk; giggly and bubbly, loud and eccentric.  

Dal was the opposite; aggressive, hard, nothing that new, but to an extreme, he was an ass.  

"Fuck I hate this s-s-song," He cussed, drinking from the carton with milk and vodka.  

Rosey had finished her second bottle of gin, and was starting another. Johnny was watching her, lust and curiosity in his eyes.  

"Whu-What time isss it?" Rosey yawned. I shrugged.  

"Probably almost 5:30," I said quietly. Rosey squealed, slamming her body against the wall.  

"Golly, sure am tired," she giggled.  

"Man, this milk don't even taste like milk anymore, tastes like shit," Dally growled, downing another mouthful of his concoction.  

"Then why are you drinking it?" Rosey laughed loudly. Her hair had a wild curl too it.  

"Cause I want too, damn, Rosey, you gonna drink all the gin yourself you little shit," Dally grumbled reaching over and taking the bottle from her. She groaned.  

"Nooooo! Not my gin!" She shrieked, and then laughed again.  

Dally chucked a bottle of whiskey at her, she grabbed it and took a swig from the bottle.  

I looked at Johnny; he looked really worried, maybe even a little... turned on

I stared at him as he eyed Rosey lovingly.  

"Johnny," I whispered, he snapped his head in my direction.  

"Yeah?" He looked at me now. 

"Don't you even think about trying anything on her tonight, got it? She's..." I said, unsure of how to get the message across. Johnny's eyes widened and his ears turned red.  

"Sadie, what..." He stammered. 

"I just don't want you taking advantage of her while she's, you know, like this," I insisted. I really didn't think Johnny would try anything, but I had to be sure, I had to ensure Rosey's safety, I promised Soda and Darry and Pony I would after their parents died; I keep my promises.  

"I wouldn't!" Johnny demanded. 

"I care too much-" 

"What are you ladies talking about?" Dally grunted. I looked at him.  

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