Chapter 13

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Sadie’s P.O.V

I was suspended from school for three days. Rosey had a leave for two; we spent them like they were our last.

I went to the Curtis’ early; Johnny and I had fought about the whole scene at school the night before and I didn’t really want to be around him. We had been fighting a lot recently, and I had been abstaining from him.

Soda and Darry were getting ready for work; Soda was in the shower while Darry was making breakfast. Ponyboy had already left for school.

“You hungry Sadie?” Darry asked me while he fried some eggs. I shrugged.

“Well you gotta eat something, so I’ll make you some eggs, how do you like yours?” he said tactfully.

I smiled. “Thanks Dar, uh, sunny side up. “

He nodded.

“So, how are you?” He asked suddenly. I smiled again.

“I’m good, grades are good, knocked some soc’s teeth out yesterday, so I’m pretty good,” I said. Darry smiled wider.

“Ahh, I heard of this incident,” Darry inquired. He slid a plate of two sunny side eggs and a piece of buttered toast in front of me. I dug into it.

“Hmmm, Darry, this is real good,” I mumbled shoveling more eggs into my mouth. Darry sat down with his own plate and started eating.

“Good to know,” He said with sagacity.

“So, you got a boyfriend yet?” He asked abruptly. I dropped my fork and nearly choked on the mouthful of eggs in my mouth.

“W-What?” I croaked nervously.

“Well, it’s just you’re 17 and a pretty girl, I wasn’t sure,” He said slowly, confused by my reaction. I heaved out a sigh.

“O-Oh, uh, no, single mingle,” I smiled tightly. He nodded.

“Johnny doesn’t let me date anyway,” I explained further. Darry waved his hand dismissively.

“Only curiosity,” He said, smiling.

Darry stood. “Better get to work, you watch Rosey today, can you do that for me? Make sure she doesn’t get into anymore trouble?” Darry asked, I nodded.

“Thanks Sade, see ya later- SODA! WE’RE GOING NOW!”

Soda came running down the stairs a few seconds later; he waved to me, winking microscopically. I stifled a giggle.

“Bye guys!” I called as they left.      

I heard the car engine purr quietly, growing quieter as they drove off.

I was flipping through the channels when I heard the shower turn on upstairs. Rosey must be up then, I thought mundanely.

I heard a light singing voice, a soft, melodic one; she sang in the shower all the time, she had a nice voice, too.

I heard the shower turn off several minutes later. Rosey came sauntering down the stairs after a while, her hair sopping wet, hanging in front of her face like a shield. I followed her into the kitchen. She grabbed the kettle, filled it with water and set it on the stove. She moved abruptly, with impetuous behavior. The one side of her face was blue, her skin seemed ghostly white.

“Hey,” I said. She didn’t even glance in my direction.

“Howdy,” she muttered. I sat down. There was silence, besides the loud clatter of dishes she was making.

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