Chapter 16

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Sadie’s P.O.V             

I didn't see Rosey for several days; until it was the weekend. Johnny, Dally, Rosey and I decided to get out and do something since we all had been either grounded or just occupied.

On Saturday morning, Dally, Johnny and I pulled up in front of the Curtis' household in Dally's reappearing T-Bird.

I guessed he was keeping the thing, whether it was stolen or given, I didn't care; it was a way to get around.

We waited a few seconds, silence creeping into the air, holding it still. Faintly I heard yelling, furious voices rising as each second stretched by.

I could make out two voices; Sodapop and Rosey.

Shocking, I know.

I only caught a few words; I heard Soda screaming at her.

"No..... Grounded.... Dead..... Yourself....."

I sighed, slamming my head against the car seat.

The front door flew open and Rosey stepped out, yelling over her shoulder.

"BECAUSE IT'S MY LIFE SODAPOP, I WANT TO LIVE IT!" She screamed, and then slammed the door storming towards the car.

I glanced at Dally, he shrugged slightly. She hopped in, her eyes set ablaze.

She slammed the door shut; we all remained silent, waiting for her to explain.

"Sorry 'bout the wait, I just couldn't decide what to wear," Rosey said acrimoniously, probably knowing very well that we could hear her and Soda's dispute from the next neighbourhood.

There was another awkward silence that hung in the air, making it tense. That was until Dally sighed impatiently.

“So what are we doing?” He asked. I looked back at Rosey, waiting for her to chime in.

Rosey looked out the window at the crisp and clear blue sky with such languish I thought she just might leap out of the damn car. Her eyes were filled with a strong desire, and I had a theory of what for.

Baseball,” She said impulsively, as the sweet air poured in through the chinked window, I knew it was that time of year again.          

The Curtis’ were sport fanatic’s, each sibling seemed to have the sport they fancied most; Rosey’s was baseball. It wasn’t just that she loved the bloody sport to death; it was also that she was incredible at it. I’ve never seen anyone throw a curve ball with such accuracy and speed, or hit a ball so far, not even Darry. Rosey loved the sport so much I guarantee she would sacrifice her first born child to play it.

I, on the other hand, couldn’t pick up a baseball without it either falling out or hurting myself.

 It wasn’t my calling.

I liked soccer; that was my calling. But soccer season was over, and baseball season was just beginning.

“Oh God, no,” I groaned. I hated the sport simply because I sucked at it.

“I’m with Sadie on this one, baseball isn’t my best-“Johnny said quietly, but Rosey cut in.

“We can play at the Diamond at the park! They fixed it up last week; repainted the lines, replaced the gravel, come on guys, please” Rosey pleaded, ignoring me and Johnny’s refusals, she looked at Johnny with large puppy dog eyes and jutted out her lower lip. Johnny gulped, vulnerably.

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