Chapter 6

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Rosemarie's P.O.V

The house was vacant, which meant Soda and Darry weren't home yet. I slipped in through the front door, rubbing my arms from the chilled air's doings.

I checked the clock hanging from the mantle. 11:03 pm...

It was kind of late, so the fact that Soda and Darry weren't home yet was better for myself. Soda wouldn't be happy if he knew I'd come home late, let's just say that.

I saw the tail-lights of our Ford emitting in through the window. The car was coming up the driveway, signaling that Soda and Darry were home. I slipped my shoes off and flung myself onto the couch, switching on the radio, then the TV. Something I do a lot.

Soda and Darry came in just as the TV had flickered to life. I sighed a little in relief. Soda pulled off his jacket, throwing it on the chair. Darry slipped off his shoes and then yelled at Soda to so as well, but Soda had already walked into the kitchen and was drinking from the chocolate milk carton.

I acted as if I didn't acknowledge Soda and Darry's presence, pretending to focus on the TV.

Darry sat in the recliner and opened up the paper, then looked at me.

"Hey, how was the movie?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Okay I guess," I said.

"What time did you get home?" Soda yelled from the kitchen.

"I dunno, like an hour ago," I lied. He plopped onto the couch beside me with a handful of chocolate cake. I felt loathing anger boiling my blood, but I tried to ignore it by starting a conversation.

"That's a healthy dinner, you know, if you want to die from a stroke at 40," I said sarcastically. Soda shoved more cake in his mouth.

"I like cake," He said nonchalantly.

"I've gathered that over the years," I retorted.

"If I die from cake aneurysm, at least I'll die happy," He said in an intense, serious voice. I rolled my eyes.

"You can't die from a cake aneurysm," I muttered. Soda shrugged.

"Maybe you can, if you eat cake a lot," He suggested.

"Do you even know what an aneurysm is?" I laughed lightly.

"No, but if I die from one, then I will," He mumbled, finishing off the rest of his cake and licking his fingers clean. I looked at him disgusted.

"Now that has to be the most attractive thing I've ever seen," I sneered.

"What can I say, the ladies love me," He boasted popping his collar. Don't you mean Sadie loves you? I had to bite my tongue from saying it.

"You're nauseating," I sighed standing up. Darry looked up from the paper and he had clearly been ignoring Soda and I.

"Tired?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think I'll go to bed." I mumbled.

"Don't sleep too late, its Pony's birthday, 'member?" He said quietly, trying for Pony not to hear from upstairs.

"Okay, then you can wake me up whenever you want me to get up, that's cool?" I said, Darry nodded and waved goodnight. I stocked upstairs, fatigue setting in my bones. I was about to open my door when Ponyboy entered the hallway, blocking my path. He crossed his arms over his chest, his green eyes reflecting suspicion.

"You came in kinda late, don't ya think?" He inquired. I gulped.

"Depends, in Germany, its 5 am, so technically, I should be in bed." I said coolly, quite tired. Pony didn't know how to reply to that, so I decided to end the conversation.

"I gotta get some sleep if I want to enjoy someone's birthday tomorrow. Auf Wiedersehen!" I spoke pecking my lips against his cheek, then waving goodnight and hurrying off into my bedroom before he could stop me.

I closed the door, and then sighed a little. I didn't bother changing, throwing myself onto my bed, under the covers, and felt sleep creep into my system almost instantly.


 I felt a strong hand shaking me awake. I jolted up, my eyes swimming with terror. I touched my face gingerly, feeling my skin, feeling the reality sinking back into my system. I had broken out into a cold sweat from the nightmare I'd had, and was now shaking in fear. Darry hovered beside me, worry sticking to his features. I tried to swallow, but a large lump was forming in my throat making it hard to breathe at all. I always got like this after a nightmare, it wasn't the first time Darry had found me shaking and breathing rapidly, consumed by twisted and disturbing dreams. He sat on the bed across from me. I sat up panting like a dog deprived of water. Darry rested his hand on my knee; I looked up into his icy blue eyes.

"Nightmare?" He asked rhetorically, but gently.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, still trying to shake out the unsettling feeling I had. Darry stood up, his hand on my shoulder.

"Get ready, Pony's gonna be up soon. And I'll lay out something to help you relax," he said, meaning some medicine. I smiled weakly, and then Darry turned and left, leaving me to think the dream over.

I could never remember my nightmares. I always just woke up in a cold sweat and feeling like garbage. But this nightmare left me feeling worse than usual. And I had a strange feeling it had something to do with the recent events in my life. All I could feel was fear, from the possibility of losing the best relationship I've ever had.

No, this was silly. Johnny and I would stay secluded, we'd sneak around, and we wouldn't get caught. No one else would know. So would Sadie and Soda, it would all work out.

I was delusional, but I convinced myself enough that there wasn't a possibility.

Yet, there was a voice in the back of my head, sort of like a warning, telling me to be more careful.

I wish I'd have listened to my subconscious. Maybe if I had, things wouldn't have ended in a blood bath like they did, only one month later.

 But I didn't listen, I never listen.

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