Chapter 2

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Sadie's P.O.V

As we walked back towards The Curtis' house, Soda was giving Rosey one of her daily lectures.

"And you should've had your blade on you! Where is it?" He asked her. She immediately looked down.

"I forgot it." She mumbled.

Soda sighed in exasperation. "Well remember it! You have to at least be able to defend yourself! For Pete's sake they nearly killed you! Why were you walking home alone anyway?"

"I was just walking home for the library-"

"Bullshit! You don't read! You don't even do your homework as it is!" He shrilled. She grew angry.

"I was, I swear! And I do too do my homework!" She hissed.

"Well you should've at least asked someone to come along. Walking home alone, you know that's dangerous. You could've asked me or Ponyboy or Two-Bit or even Johnny!" I didn't notice, but a glance was shared between Rosey and Johnny.

Darry finally intervened, remembering he was the one supposed to be giving the lectures.

"Hey, you two, shut up! Soda it ain't her fault she got jumped, just leave her alone, okay?" He said sharply. Soda looked like he wanted to say more, but piped down.

Rosey had a black and blue bruise on one side of her face already, and her eyes showed her vulnerability. Johnny had been quiet the whole time, I looked back at him, and he was watching Rosey. He then noticed me, and looked down immediately.

"You guys wanna finish that movie?" Pony asked as we walked into their house. The door was wide open. We were in such a rush, we didn't even think about closing it.

"Nah, it was bad anyway, Dally said, pulling out a smoke.

Rosey slumped down onto the floor, rubbing her cheek. Soda came back and handed her an ice pack, she pressed it against her cheek and winced.

"Well what d'you wanna do then?" Steve asked. Dally passed Rosey his smoke and she took a long drag on it.

Two-Bit came in with a beer in his hand and plopped down beside me. He tried handing it to me, but Johnny said "No." simply and that was the end of that. Sometimes I wish he wasn't so controlling, but then I remember he could be like Soda and felt lucky.

"Kill joy." I muttered and Johnny glared at me.

"I'm older, I decide." He countered.

"By two minutes!" I cried, he shrugged.

"Two minutes I'll never get back." He mumbled, I threw a pillow at his face, and he quickly threw it back.

"Why is the room still spinning?" Rosey groaned. Soda crouched down beside her.

"Do you want an aspirin or something?" He asked, she nodded. He helped her to her feet, and I got up and accompanied because I just wanted to.

"Here. Only take one." Soda said handing her the bottle, he turned around and walked away. Rosey, not thinking I was looking shoved 4 aspirins in her mouth. I gasped and snatched the bottle away before she could take more.

"Rosey! What the hell!" I hissed. She jumped a little when I spoke, but just sipped the glass of water Soda placed out for her and swallowed the pills. I stared at her with a shocked expression. She lowered the glass down.

"I have to get some sleep tonight; we both know I won't without a little help." She said quietly, and I understood what she meant.

Rosey had awful night terrors; they started after her parents died. Ponyboy has them too, but not as often, his were once in a blue moon, whereas hers were more frequent. Ponyboy would wake up screaming bloody murder, but Rosey... she just laid there, paralyzed, shaking, and terrified. She gets them a lot, and it really scares her, I don't know what the nightmares are about, I just know they're bad. When she said that to me, she meant she would have a nightmare because of the day's events, because of those Soc's she'd wake up crying and cursing her own existence.

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