Chapter 9

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Rosemarie’s P.O.V

Ponyboy collected himself and leaped to his feet, the pure astonishment still attached to his face. My breath hitched in my throat and I completely had no will to release it.

“Y-You’re datin Johnny? A-And you’re datin Soda?” Pony gasped looking at both of us at the mention of Johnny and Soda’s names.

“No actually I’m dating Soda and she’s dating Johnny,” I said sarcastically, not really sure why I was saying it though. Ponyboy looked even more confused. Sadie glared at me and I sighed.

“Wait, what?” Pony muttered.

“I-I’m datin Soda Pony, Rosey’s datin Johnny okay? It’s been that way for a while,” Sadie explained. When Ponyboy didn’t react she continued.

“Pone, look I-I know it’s pretty shockin and all-“Sadie said slowly.

 Pony only looked back at her incredulously. I felt my face growing paler as each second went by. A fear creeping into my heart of what Ponyboy might do with this knowledge.

“How long?” He asked looking at Sadie seriously. She closed her eyes for a while.

“4 months,” She said quietly, Pony’s eyes widened, turning an imperial shade of green. He whirled around and faced me.

“What about you?” He demanded, I didn’t stare look at him.

“6 months,” I said my voice hollow, surprising me.

Pony gasped slightly, his eyes bleeding into the side of my head, finally I looked at him.

The amount of shock and disbelief on his face could have been comical if my world hadn’t been about to crumble down beneath me.

“You and Johnny?” Pony asked rhetorically.

“You’ve said it about 3 times, saying it more ain’t gonna make it any less true buddy,” I said, trying and failing to force a smile.

“What is Soda gonna say…” Pony vaguely muttered, my head snapped in his direction and the wretched fright returned to my mind sending myself into an alarmed panic. I was on my feet and had him in a head lock in seconds.

I swear to God if you tell him I’ll shove my foot so far up your ass it’ll be coming out of your mouth!” I growled, smothering him in a tight grip around his neck, he clawed at my fingers from the loss of air, but knew I meant business.

“Okay! Okay! Let *wheeze* me breath!” He croaked, I let go and he began gasping for air.

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