Chapter 10

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Sadie’s P.O.V




I moaned from the tapping sun-light against my face, wondered how long I'd been sleeping. I blinked, shut my eyes, and blinked again. I yawned, managed to fully open both eyes. The sun stretching in from the chinked curtains sends the spring sunlight cutting the room in shadows, and I see dust-motes dancing in the wall of light like little people. It was quiet, just the sound of wild wind pressing against the window and Rosey’s light breathing. She was still wrapped up in my arms. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically in light breaths. Her pale skin seemed even lighter with the sun’s light etched across it.

She looked so young and innocent in her sleep, pure, vulnerable, like she used to be. I almost didn’t want her to wake up, I didn’t want the empty Rosey, I wanted the one that was full of life, and sweet at the same time. But she was long gone.

I unwrapped her arms from around me, she didn’t wake up. I rolled out of the bed, stretched the stiffness out of my limbs, and started for downstairs when I heard a small voice behind me.

“Hey, mornin’” Rosey said groggily, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. I smiled softly.

“Why don’t ya come downstairs?” I offered, she got out of bed, stretching the way I had.

“I should change first, I got school tomorrow and I’m supposed to meet up with Dal,” she said, walking over to her closet.

“Oh, OK, uh can I borrow some jeans?” I asked. She chucked a pair at me.

“Need a shirt?” She asked, I shrugged, she through a mint green one at me. We’re practically the same size, so it fit perfectly. She changed into her typical tight jeans and a band shirt. Duran Duran, it said in slick font, then the title of their album, Rio, which I recognized from her massive record collection.

She was running a brush through her hair, sat silently on her bed with a distant look in her eyes.She started braiding down her head, starting at the top.

“Hey,” she said suddenly distracting me from trying to do my own hair, I looked over at her.

“Uh, ‘bout last night, my dream and all, well, could we keep it between us?” She asked, almost pleading.

“What was it about anyway?” I asked, turning to her. She looked down.

“Nu-Nothing, really, just, please Sadie? Just between us?” Now she begged.

“Not unless you tell me what it was about,” I stated, looking at her seriously.

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