Chapter 15

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Rosemarie's P.O.V

The darkness surrounding me had an eerie entity of it's own, breathing evenly and rhythmically. I was frozen, as if ice was built around my feet, leaving me stuck, my limbs useless; captured.

Icy tongues of flesh licked my skin, sending a ripple of goose bumps across my body. Hands wrapped around my throat, I couldn't see hands though, just feel the texture, the cold flesh touching my neck.

The hands grasped my throat, leaving me without any air in my lungs. My eyes were wide with fear and small strangled gasps were escaping my lips. Death squeezed my heart, sending terror throughout my entire body.

One thing I had never feared was death; but as I felt the air leaving my throat, as I felt life draining from my body, I clung to it.

I screamed, clawing at the non existent fingers wrapped around my throat, but they were there, they were killing me.

I was using my last breaths and last amounts of oxygen to plead for help; shrieking, crying, choking.

I used my last breath for one final cry for help, then the darkness closed around me; swallowing what little hope I had of rescue.

Sadie's P.O.V

"No, I want to stay," I argued with Sodapop. He had a look of pure sadness, as if someone had died.

"Sadie, I don't think-" He started. I cut him off.

"It's the least I could do, guys, come on," I was pleading now. Soda sighed, rubbing his temple.

"It's fine with me, Rosey'll need someone tomorrow," Darry said quietly. I didn't understand what he meant by tomorrow, but I suppressed the thought quickly and smiled.


I rolled over during the night, pulling the covers closer to my body as the cold air sneaked in beneath them. I was still half asleep, half dreaming of something I couldn't recall the next day. Something I heard slightly, something from the person beside me, is what made me open my eyes to complete darkness.

A strangled gasp startled me, making my heart leap a thousand miles. I quickly turned on the light, looked over to a horrifying sight.

At first confusion swept over me; hands were wrapped around Rosey's throat, restricting her ability to breathe. She was gasping and shaking and choking, but the most frightening thing was, they were her own hands.

Her eyes were bulging, no longer the icy blue, but a dark, piercing, deadly shade.

She was screaming, but her screams were cut off into strangled cries. She looked conflicted, as if she was trying to pull her own hands free from around her throat, yet she was the one holding it.

It was the strangest thing, as if she was being killed, yet she was killing herself. I was paralyzed in fear and confusion, overwhelmed by to many conflicting emotions.

I snapped out of it, whirling around. "SODA! DARRY! ANYONE!" I shrieked, still too scared to move.

I felt tears running down my cheeks as I watched the life draining from my best friend. Her eyes rolled back into her head, leaving only white sockets, glowing like two marbles.

Soda came running in a few seconds later, alarmed and panic stricken.

"What's-" He stopped mid sentence, a gasp replacing his words.

He was staring at his sister, eyes circling, pulse quickening, and fear pulsating.

He leaped forward, in front of Rosey's ebbing body. He trembled as he tried to pry her hands from around her throat. Her jerking and choking only increased. Soda tried harder, his muscles flexing as he tried with all his strength to stop her own death sentence.

"Rosey stop it... Rosey stop it you're killing yourself.... Rosey stop it god dammit it you're killing yourself.... why are you killing yourself...?..." Soda muttered angrily, pain and confusion plagued in his every move.

I stifled a sob; Rosey's thrashing started to slow down, her hands loosened, and Soda quickly pulled them free. Darry ran in just in time to see the traumatic scene end.

Rosemarie's breathing slowed back to a normal pace. Her chest rose and fell normally and evenly again.

She opened her eyes, they veins inside them were a morbid red, making her look inhuman.  

Confusion started to blister, then she realized what was going on, and she sat up, wincing.

Soda stared at his sister, baffled. "What the hell! Y-You were trying to kill yourself!" Soda yelled dubiously. Ponyboy ran in a minute later, looking as confused as the rest of us.

Rosey shook her head, though she looked unsure.

"N-No I wasn't," She mumbled in almost a whisper. Soda was shaking with rage.

"Yes you were, you were trying to kill yourself Rosey!" He insisted incredulously.

"No, I-I was having a nightmare..." Rosey murmured, rubbing her hand against her sore neck. Soda was teeming with disbelief.

"Why were you trying to-"

"I wasn't trying to kill myself!" Rosey interjected. Soda still looked distrustful.

"I was having a nightmare where I was being strangled, honest. I don't know why I was strangling myself, I wasn't trying to kill myself Sodapop," She said quietly.

"Rosey, just because it's Mom and Dad's-"

"I know what day it is tomorrow," She snapped. Soda gulped.

"Believe me, I would remember." She rubbed her temple now.

Then, I got what Darry meant earlier.

It was the anniversary of their parents death tomorrow. And Rosey coincidentally had a nightmare in which she almost died, the same evening.

I knew from that point on the week wouldn't be running smoothly for any of us. But there was no way I could've known how bad it was really going to be; nobody could've.

Except, maybe one person, but even as I write this to you, from a further date, that's still a mystery to me.

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