Chapter 12

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Sadie's P.O.V

It was Rosey's first day of grade ten, and boy, was she nervous. She was shaking, and her eyes were growing wider by the second.

Soda didn't really let her have a say in the matter; she was going up a year, and that was that.

She clutched her books close to her chest as we walked to school, her pale skin even more ghostly white than normal.

We walked up to the front of our school; Johnny and I were giving each other looks of "What do we do with her?"

"Well, time for your first year of grade ten!" I chirped, slapping her back. She stared at the building in awe and despair.

"I think I'm going to puke," she wheezed. I rolled my eyes, pushing her forward.

"Come on, you've been in here a million times," I said. She was resisting against me.

"Not like this, I'm 14 in a class of 15, some, 16 year olds!" She hissed. I gave her another "helpful" shove forward.

"Just think, you're smarter than half of em, you're pretty, you're funny, and you're tuff, their gonna love you!" I insisted. She glared at me.

"If the grade nines didn't love me why would the grade tens?" she snapped. I sighed.

"Rosey, they just don't know you like I do, besides, it's not like you were leaving any friends behind in a grade nine since you don't got any," I didn't realize how mean it sounded until Rosey's face sunk into hurt.

She stalked off before I could take it back.

"Nice one," Johnny muttered, and then chased after her. I sighed. The bell rang, and I reluctantly started walking to my first class.


The lunch bell rang; I immediately started for the cafeteria to meet up with Rosey and Johnny. I'll apologize to Rosey, she'll forgive me, I know it.

I looked around the crowded lunch room; half of the fifteen hundred kids at our school were crowded around small tables, talking, and eating, but mostly talking.

I spotted Rosey near the back. She had a scowl on her face; I could see it from where I stood.

A boy was behind her, red faced: angry. He looked like he was yelling, at her.

I booked it down the stairs, squeezing through the crowded tables. Many people gave me weird looks as I shoved past them, but I still raged on.

Rosey saw me coming, relief seemed to flush her face that was until the boy behind her, whirled her around, then slapped her so hard she fell to the floor.

I froze, skidding to a halt, shock and anger boiling up inside me. Many gasps at the scene erupted through the cafeteria. The boy just stood over her, panting, a smug, sly grin on his face.

I lost it, I lurched forward, my fist connecting with his jaw. There was an awful snapping sound (which I presumed was his jaw actually breaking from the impact) He through his head back, he collapsed on the ground, his head smashing against the concrete floor. Gasps accompanied.

I was still stunned. My hand was frozen in the air, my fist still clenched like Rosey's teeth. I snapped back into reality, hauling Rosey to her feet, her cheek was a throbbing red.

I stared down at the boy, looking into his piercing dark eyes. He looked scared; I liked it.

"If you ever touch her again, I'll shove my fist so far up your ass it'll be coming out of your mouth,"

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