Chapter 8

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Sadie's P.O.V

"Oh my God Sadie, this is so good!" Pony mumbled gorging his chocolate cake, as everyone else was.

I smiled at him and ate some too. I had to admit, it was pretty good. I looked across the living room. Rosey sat on the floor, stabbing her piece of cake quietly, not eating. Soda watched her sadly. I had convinced her to come downstairs, though I knew she would be quiet like she always was when she's upset.

Johnny sat beside her; he snuck glances of her every so often, looking at her the way I look at Soda, or the way Soda looks at me.

"Why aren't you eating Rosey Posey?" Darry asked, calling her their Dad's pet nickname. He did it to make her feel better.

"Not hungry," She mumbled.

"You're always hungry," Dally scoffed. Rosey looked at Dally.

"Well I'm not, piss off!" She snapped, which was something she rarely ever did to Dally. Dally stared back at her. I thought he might say something, but Dally cared too much about Rosey to get angry at her.

Darry walked over and sat on the floor beside Rosey, he looked at her worriedly.

"What's wrong kiddo?" He asked. She hesitated, signaling to all of us that there was something else on her mind.

"Well... T-The teacher talked to me today about my grades," She said quietly. Soda perked up.

"There not dropping, are they?" He asked.

"No," Rosey hissed, and then sighed.

"That's the thing, he said my marks are so good, he- he wants me to go up another year." She stammered. Soda gasped. I looked at her wide eyed.

"They're that good?" I asked, she shrugged.

"I guess..." She mumbled.

"That's great!" Soda shrieked in glee, Rosey looked at her brother.

"You're gonna graduate the same year as Pony now, we just gotta keep your grades up then we can send you to-"Soda inquired, but Rosey stopped him.

"I don't wanna go up another year," She said. Soda gaped at her.

"What d'ya mean you don't want to? You'll get harder work since this works too easy and-"

"Soda," Rosey said, staring at her brother.

"I don't want to," She said, her voice cracking. I knew why now.

"I'll just get picked on more, it'll get worse, I can barely stand it now. I'm alone most of the time, it's Hell, pure Hell. I never even see Johnny or Sadie, I don't want it to get worse." She said. Soda scoffed, he didn't like the subject since he knew there was nothing he could do to help her, I think that's what Soda hates most; not being able to fix Rosey's problems.

"We'll talk about it in the morning, okay?" Darry interrupted, Rosey nodded and so did Soda. The gang started talking about something but I wasn't listening, I was watching Rosey.

"You gonna eat that?" Two-Bit asked her. She slid her plate of cake over to him, her eyes fixed on nothing.


"Ah shit!" Dally shouted easing back into his seat, slinging his arm around the blonde haired blue eyed girl beside him in the driver's seat.

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