Chapter 1

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It was a partly cloudy day in the kingdom of York with the sun occasionally peaking out from behind the clouds to shine down through windows like the ones in the throne room of the castle and onto where on his throne sat York's king, Peter Parker, or better known as the Spider-Knight, in a red and blue tunic and trousers. Who ran a hand through his naturally short yet messy brown hair as he looked, with hazel color eyes, over at the empty throne next to him where his wife and Queen Mary Jane used to sit, but not anymore because awhile ago Peter decided to make an alliance with the kingdom of Wakanda.

Meeting with its King and Queen T'Challa and Ororo, the talks commence and all was good until a Wakanda elder, who didn't want the Alliance with an outside kingdom, invoked an ancient Rite of kingdoms that hadn't be use in 500 years. It demanded that if a peace was made then it had to be proven by making the Queens of the kingdom switch places to live in the other's home and basically be married to the other king for a total of 5 years. But the reason this Rite hadn't been use for so long is that the Kings and Queens was required to mate with each other sexuality as much as three full seasons a day at most, even if it results in pregnancy to which the kings must raise as their own. This was the backlash that King and Queen of other Kingdoms would fall in love and if the other King wanted his previous Queen back and was denied then there could be war between the kingdoms.

The Elder thought that this was the best way to stop the Alliance from happening, but to everyone shocked Queen Mary Jane and King T'Challa agreed right away almost at the same time. Saying for the good of the kingdoms but Peter knew why, even so he couldn't say "No." to both his Queen and the Rita. Now he was here waiting alone in his throne room for the arrival of his new Queen, soon there came a knock on the throne door and Peter knew it was her.

"Come!" He called and the doors opened to reveal the 'previous' Queen of Wakanda, Ororo Monroe. She was a downright gorgeous chocolatey skin colored woman just half a head shorter than Peter with a waist length of wavy snow white hair, the black and gold trim strapless dress she wore, including a black choker with a red jewel in the middle, went from her upper chest to hide her feet and clung to her hourglass shape body while a slit exposed one of her long legs, the top of the dress could barely contain her mostly exposed D-size breasts that only intensified her beauty tenfold. Ororo looked at Peter with lovely stormy blue eyes, examining his white skin body that was lean yet strong shown by his mussels pressing against his clothes, and she smiled white teeth that Peter returned as he stood up from his throne and the two walked together each other.

They stopped a few feet from each other looking into the others eyes as Peter spoke first with a bow, "Queen Ororo, welcome to York." Ororo in turn curtsy as she answered "Thank you King Peter, I'm honored to be a guest of your home." Peter raised an amused eyebrow "You know that you are more than a guest here Ororo." She sighed heavily "I know and don't want to feel ungrateful, but it just seem surreal being here to have intercourses with one who isn't T'Challa."

Sighing as well Peter reached out to take Ororo's hands as he replied "I understand as well in full and I swear that if the Rita didn't demand it, then I would make an oath to you right to not have intercourses for the whole five years so you could remain faithful to your husband and me to my wife." Ororo smiled as she could already see the noblest of the Spider-Knight that she hear much about even in Wakanda and gave his hands a squeeze as she spoke. "Unfortunately we can't do it because that damn Elder used a double edge spear in hope to prevent this Alliance, but we can make sure not to let it cut that rope by doing it by the three time as a necessity, while knowing that in five years we'll be reunited with our other King and Queen." Peter smiled "I can do that, so care to accompany me to 'our room' to get the first of the intercourses done with, Milady?"

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