Chapter 48

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As soon as they were out on the streets May immediately knew that the situation was worse then the man said, in his pursuit of his outcast Frollo was not only unlawfully interrogating and arresting people, those who had homes or small businesses own by Gypsies were forced to watch as they were burned down by Frollo's soldiers. Who also prevented the fire department from putting them out unless the fire jumped to a neighboring building but by the time the flames were put out the target building was nearly burned to the ground. The soldiers were also stopped the police from protecting the Gypsy citizens Frollo said to lock up, May saw the Guard Captain Phoebus riding next to him and though he was, May could see the hints of angry appear on his face as more people were locked up and had a feeling that the angry wasn't directed at the Gypsies.

Then Frollo, running out of luck with the known Gypsies spots, started to go after the normal people with an almost delusional mind that they were in line with the Gypsies. One of theses people were a family that Esmeralda actually knew, the Millers who stood outside their home by a bridge over a small canal of water Esmeralda and May watched from a nearby crowd of watchers, "We found this gypsy talisman on your property. Have you been harbouring gypsies?" Frollo asked and the father replied "Our home is always open to the weary traveler. Have mercy, my lord." This didn't seem to please Frollo yet he just said "I am placing you and your family under house arrest until I get to the bottom of this. If what you say is true, you are innocent and you have nothing to fear."

"But we are innocent, I assure you! We know nothing of these gypsies!" The mother said as the soldiers push the family back into the house before Frollo pulls their door shut, then bars it shut with a guard's staff. He turns to Phoebus and said "Burn it." This not only shocked the crowd but also Phoebus as he asked like he didn't believe what he was hearing, "What!?" "Until it smolders. These people are traitors and must be made examples of." Frollo said handing him a torch before climbing onto his horse. "With all due respect, sir, I was not trained to murder the innocent." Phoebus said and Frollo in a stern commanding voice, "But you were trained to follow orders." May couldn't believe what Frollo was doing, 'I have to stop this and the only way to do that is to reveal who I am.' May thought and was about to run out when one of the other hidden Gypsies in the group grabbed her shoulder to stop her from probably joining the Miller in their fate. May looked at Phoebus as he slowly approached the house, 'Please don't.' May mentally beg and prayed that the Captain was the good man from the cathedral.

Turns out he was because instead using the torch on the house, Phoebus takes the torch and douses it in a bucket of water. "Insolent coward." Frollo called him before grabbing another torch and threw it onto the roof that was quickly engulfed in flames, the screams of the Millers could be heard and again May tried to break free of the Gypsies grabs to run out there, but to use her storm powers similar to her mother's to put out the flames before it was too late. That when May saw Phoebus crashes through the window and brings the family outside to safety through the now destroy door, as the family hurried away guards grab Phoebus and pushed down to his knees as Frollo approached on his horse. "The sentence for insubordination is death. Such a pity- you threw away a promising career."

"Consider it my highest honour, sir." Phoebus said with definite in his eyes as a guard raised a sword to behead him, May didn't know what to do but fortunately Esmeralda did as she grabbed a rock from the ground and put it in a cloth that was a sling which she used to throw the rock. It didn't hit the guard but instead the stone hit the rump of Frollo's horse that bucks, and Frollo is thrown off. Phoebus used the distraction to escapes the guards and hops on Frollo's horse to ride off. "Hit him! And don't hit my horse!" Frollo commanded as Phoebus rode off across the bridge amidst a shower of arrows. One of them goes through his shoulder in between the places of his armor, Esmeralda gasps in horror as Phoebus falls off the horse, off the bridge into the canal while the guards fired another volley of arrows into the water.

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