Chapter 11

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Over the coming months life was peaceful in the city of York, the harvest was the best ever, Mutant Town was flushing under Princess Lorna leadership and Queen Ororo's stomach was growing bigger. She wasn't the only one because Felicia Hardy, Captain of the Guard and King Peter's second wife had also been blessed with a child growing inside of her and it became a habit of Peter's to rub his women's bellies to try and feel a kick from his future children. Life was good for Peter and it seemed like his 'Parker Luck' was about to increase one day as he sat in his throne room alone, since the women were having a day to themselves, listening to the reports of the good well being of his nation when a pigeon flew through the open window with a message on it leg.

"Lady Susan Storm of Latveria is at the castle gates and urgently requested an audience with you my King." Felicia said and Peter was quite surprised Latveria was a small yet powerful nation ruled by King Victor Von Doom, Lady Susan, or Invisible Shield because of her powers to create energy shields and turn completely transparent, was the wife of his lead scientist and elastic friend Reed Richard. Why it was just her who came without a earlier message was odd indeed but she was a friend of Peter's and if it was urgent for her to speak with him, he couldn't deny that and told the guard to send her in.

Sue Storm was quite beautiful with a tall slender fair skinned hourglass body that included her lovely rounded ass and her perfectly full D-size breasts that was quite distinctive from even under rugged travel clothes she wore. While her short blonde hair fell around Sue's heart shape face and stopped around the nap of her neck as she looked up at Peter with bright blue eyes after her initial bow to the King, "Hello Peter it's been a while." She said without needing to use formality with her friend. "Yes it have, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise visit." Peter quickly saw nervousness and sadness appear on the lovely blondes face, "Sue?" Peter asked standing up and moving in front of her "What is it?"

It took a minute before Sue spoke in a shaky voice "I need your help Pete."

"A course, with what exactly?"

"Making a baby." Peter felt his mouth drop in shock, "Come again?" He asked for clarification "I need your help giving me a baby, you're the only one who can." Sue answered as a tear ran down her cheek, having a sense that she was serious Peter had some chairs summoned so they could sit down and after a moment to collect herself Sue began to explain. "As you know, I'm married to Reed Richard, lead scientist for King Doom. He basically a workaholic and sometimes I wonder how I ever manage to be wed to him, at any case I tried nearly everything to get Reed from his lab and spend time with me. Nothing really worked and because of this I went out to a nearby park in defeat, as I watched the families and kids playing I became a desire to have what those parents had…"

Taking a deep breath Sue continued "That when an idea came to me, if I could seduce Reed and we made love then I could possibly get pregnant and have a child of my own. A second bonus that Reed might get away from his work more to spend time with me and our kid, so I got all ready to put my plan into action and was about to begin the seduction. But unfortunately the project that Reed was working on was this." From her bag Sue brought out a tablet with strange colorful hieroglyphs on it around a large red and white spider symbol in the middle, "It's call the Tablet of Arachnid, Reed stupidly thought it could give people the same spider powers as you and your Spider Knights. Unfortunately the tablet was actually a home for the spider entity name Arachnid, who been sleeping peacefully in the stone for decades until being rudely awaken by Reed's meddling. Arachnid came out of the stone angry and ready to probably destroy both Reed and me when suddenly someone else appeared in the lab."

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