Chapter 36

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In the Prime Minsters office Alexei Shostakov listened to King Peter Parker story that was easily helped by his telepath mutant Betsy showing the memories of the events that brought them to Russia, a few minutes past in silence after Peter finished explaining and he waited for Alexei response. Who answered in a claim voice, "I have always believed that Red X was real, despite what my spy agencies would say. From the stories it was a science division form to advance Russia future during the revolution, it was responsible for many creation in both enhancing troops like me with a super soldier serum and mechanical machines of war. But after the war and the Federation formation, Red X was shut down or that was what I been told until now you revealed that the division leader Dreykov had never shut it down and instead broke away to be responsible for many tragedies and events done or set in motion by you Black Widows." Alexei looked at Natasha who nodded sadly and apologized for the actions that Red X made her do in Russia.

"Though knowing that it wasn't really you doing the actions of your free will, I accept your apology Miss Romanoff." Natasha showed a hint of a smile that she quickly hid and might've been missed except by Peter, who sharp eyes saw it and he smiled on the inside before turning back to the Minster and asked "Can we count on your support in taking Red X down?" Alexei nodded "Yes, Red X originated in Russia and only right that we help to destroy it." Turning to his assistant, a blonde haired woman dressed in a black and gold uniform that name tag read 'Dark-star', "Laynia gather Ursa and Dynamo and meet us in the hanger as quick as you can." The woman, Laynia Petrovana, nodded and disappeared by walking in the room shadows which help clarify her code name of Dark-star to Peter who told his wives to help coordinate things with Red Guardian before he looked at Romanoff. "Shall we go visit your 'friend' Natasha?" And she nodded as she and Peter was teleported out of the office by Lockjaw, when they left Alexei looked at Ororo, "I have seen many things, but that giant dog is among the top."

Once the blue light made by Lockjaw teleportation died Peter found himself standing with Natasha in a countryside field, a little ways away was a farm from which the faint sounds of pigs could be heard while smoke came out of the house chimney. As they began to make their way towards the farm Peter attempted to make small talk with the assassin, "So got any idea of what you will do after it over?" "After what over?" Natasha asked "Red X, once it's gone you will be free to finally live a normal life, you can have a quiet life in a place like this. Where nothing would trouble you except the craziness of your children..." "I can't have kids." Natasha cut in which made Peter stop and look at the redhead, "What do you mean?" Taking a deep breath and her voice filled with some reluctance Natasha answered.

"Beside the drugs and training, Red X made sure that nothing trivial would hinder us, a baby is one of them and so they sterilized every Widow. Saying it makes everything easier, even killing when nothing distracts you." Natasha went silent and looked away from the shock expression on Peter's face, he quickly had her Symbiote confirm her words and it turned out to be true by mentally seeing the small incision is made in Natasha's abdomen. Peter's hands clenched into fists 'I promise that wouldn't stand.' Another few minutes past before the silence was broken by a huff from Lockjaw and the two cleared their minds as they refocus on their mission and continued on their way. As they got closer to the farm Peter saw that it was mainly a pig farm as a drift of hogs scurried around a large pen while a woman threw a bucket of slops for the fence, she was probably in her fifties but had the body similar to Natasha's with dark brown hair tied into a bun on the back of her head to show her sculpted face and dark brown eyes that narrowed slightly as she looked towards the group.

They widen slightly in surprise as they fell upon Natasha and she stuttered slightly as she spoke, "N... Natasha?" The redhead put on a brave face as she smiled and said "Hey Mom Melina." Looking through her memories Peter saw the reason for the name since the two, along with a third girl, posed as a family when Natasha was a kid on a mission for Red X. The woman, Melina Vostokoff, recovered from her surprise and said "It's been a while." "Nearly twenty years, you're looking well." Natasha answered "And you look..." Melina's eyes looked up and down the Symbiote suit, "Fashionable." "Trying something new." Natasha said with mock interest while staring at the woman with almost dagger-like eyes, averting her glance from her 'fake' daughter Melina turned to Peter. "And who may you be?"

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