Chapter 63

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Several months after Belle's family had 'moved in', the kingdom was blessed with another Royal child, who's mother Jean named Rachel and who shared her flaming red hair yet had the same eyes as her father. Peter was loving his life with all theses amazing women, both wives and concubines like Fifi, who wore a more sexy outfit than most of her fellow maids because her dress had a black shoulder less top like a corset that just held her breasts with white shoulder straps extending around her back that matched the color of her apron with frills on top of the brown skirt that just hid the black shoes on her feet. The white cap on top of her head and the feather duster in her hand was the icing on the cake to Fifi's appearance as she joined her maids like Helen Parker in cleaning the castle and when he wishes to 'dirty' up a bedroom with their king. Who had stolen Fifi's heart and she wanted her sister Belle to join her in this experience, which might've been almost impossible before back in Villeneuve but now the chances were better because of both Peter's reward of his Klyntar and giving Belle access to the Royal library.

A course the villagers would have said that this was a mistake since at times Fifi or Adam had to almost drag Belle out of the library and back to home at night, but they knew like Peter that Belle would've found the library quickly and now being a librarian in a place where women could read without looking peculiar and weird from men like Gaston. Who Fifi had heard was having a nightmare with trying to change from the beast he was, his Symbiote was slamming him into the ground nearly ten times a day if not more and the townspeople was beginning to truly see the bad man Gaston was including the three blonde Bimbettes. "Who would've moved on to Adam since he was named the second handsome man in town in their opinion." Fifi told Peter as they had one of their many intercourse sessions, "Well they lost their chance since from what Veranke had told me that Adam is getting 'close' to the Skrull lady in the stable." Peter replied "That he did, he had her over for dinner a couple of nights ago and no doubt in the near future he be slipping a ring on her finger and I'll be hearing them having their own 'sessions' in his room." The two laughed before they sharing a kiss and after pulling away Fifi said "Well if Adam and me are having sex then it would only be fair for Belle to join the party, preferably with you in my opinion." She looked at Peter slyly and he returned the sly smile, "Do you have a plan to get her nose out of her books?"

"Good morning." Belle jumped in surprise as she looked up from the wonderful book she had been reading and raised her head to see the owner of the voice that spoke being non other then the King, "Oh, Peter, I'm sorry, I didn't hear your footsteps." Belle said scrabbling to get to her feet, managing to mark the chapter of her book, "What can I do for you?" Peter smiled as he said he was looking for a certain book, "That would be in the special collection space." Belle said "Could you show me where it is?" Peter asked "Sure, follow me." Belle replied as she started to lead Peter through the massive library, along the way Belle began to feel the feeling that she had ever since she been given the Klyntar that now made up the fabric of her usual outfit. It was like a string around Belle's heart that had been gently tucking towards Peter a little stronger each day and now that tuck was so strong that it almost hurt as Belle's mind were filling up with images of the man walking behind her past the rows of books.

Which, except for her family, she believed to be her greatest love, but now that love was being redirected practically with every step towards Peter Parker, who walked very close to Belle as they went through a door and down a flight of stairs to a short hall that were to lines with doors. Going to the door at the end of the hall the two entered a fair size room that walls were lined with shelves holding old looking books and a table in the middle of the room, the book that Peter wanted was on top of a shelf and Belle stretched up to retrieve it while he stood very close behind her. Normally Belle might asked the taller Peter to get the book, but for some reason she was finding it hard to think as a strange sweet aroma seemed to be coming from Peter and filled her nose with smells that Belle liked such as the pages of books and the smell of grass blowing in a open wind. Added with the fresh smell of Peter's breath on her neck made Belle's brain goes fuzzy and she was lost in the fog as she felt Peter's hands on her hips as he gently turned her around to face him, Belle practically turned into wet clay for Peter to mold as he touched her mind with his through their Klyntar link he showed her the wonders of loving someone and not just something like a book.

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