Chapter 60

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The wedding of King Peter and Princess, now Sultan, Jasmine was grand with the whole kingdom from the rich to the rats were invited and was all given the gift of the Klyntars. Giving all equal status in the land and allow many poor folk to rise from their low lives like the man with the monkey Jasmine had saw on the carpet ride proposing and marrying the three harem women he loved with their formerly disapproving mother now giving her bless. For about a month Peter's group stayed in Agrabah before returning back home to York City that the people decided to re-crested as New York City since it was always sort of a headache to some trying to remember if they were talking about the country or the city, where things were great with the crops thrilling by the help of Queen Ororo the Storm Goddess, nearly everyone bound to a Klyntar and enjoyed the peace including Wilson Fisk. Who had, during Peter's time away, had joined the Klyntar kingdom by a sneaky trick where a Widow managed to infect his wife Vanessa and she, a course, got close enough to her husband to open his eyes to a new beautiful vision from the dark one he had in mind.

Where, though continuing to rule the city underground, Fisk invested more in the welfare of the people than in money and York was a perfect idea of absolute peace with almost every inch of Peter's country part of his Klyntar race. That was until one day Peter and his wife Felicia was looking over a large map of York for a place the two might go for their anniversary, and as his eyes scanned the countryside to the northern part he landed on a village set between a wood and rolling hills call 'Villeneuve'. Both Peter and Felicia had never heard of it or seen it before on this map and when Peter stretched his mighty Klyntar Kingly will miles and miles out towards that part of the country he didn't sense a single Symbiote in the area but plenty of human minds. "So it just means we missed a town." Felicia said "A easy mistake to fix, in fact it might be the perfect place to go visit for our anniversary. We can go as a 'normal' couple to see how the people lived before the Klyntar one last time and spend sometime alone on one of those hills." Peter smiled as he agreed with the idea and before too long he and Felicia, just the two of them, headed away from New York.

As they rode Peter occasionally would look at both his wife and Captain of his Royal Guard as she either steered her horse or read one of the books she brought for the trip, her body was slender in a beautifully hourglass shape that was also strong and very athletic with her Symbiote downgrading slightly from its usual appearance. Such as the white spider symbol being removed and the goop becoming slightly looser than normal, so it looks like Felicia was wearing black tunic beneath a black Tristan vest that had white trim and stuck out a bit because of Felicia's perfect D size and round shape breasts. Who, below the shirt, had her long deadly whipped sword wrapped around her waist like a second silvery belt above the fake one holding up the black trousers tucked into black high heel boots with white lace, fur along the rim and the tip taking an almost claw-like appearance as a cat. Which was further added by the pair of arm bracers on Felicia's forearms, the fur being near her elbows, while white lines ran the edges of the black plates placed on top of her arms and white hardened pads were on the backhand, knuckles and fingertips of the black gloves she wore on her hands. Peter knew that the white fingers could extend out to give Felicia sharp claws just as a cat and it was little question as to why the other Royal Guards gave Felicia the nickname of Black Cat, even with the white on the suit or her long snow white hair. Which fell to her mid back around her beautifully sculpted heart shape face, who's green eyes twinkled in the sunlight and was filled with love as she looked at Peter wearing blue Symbiote traveling trousers tucked into red boots. His arming sword hanged off his hip in a simple scabbard, while he wore a dark blue tunic beneath a dark red suede vest, that also had no spider symbol on it, and red bracers on his forearms.

When they caught the other looking the two would smile and give each other a kiss that happened quite a bit on the journey to Villeneuve, it was a small yet cozy looking village nestled where it was supposed to be between a large forest and rolling green hills. Again Peter extended his reach and didn't find one joined host, he theorized that since the town was small and out of the way it wasn't too hard to understand how he missed it during the joining of the rest of his kingdom. Normally Peter would have gone down there in a Royal fashion and give everyone a Klyntar, but Felicia was right, if this was the last place in York to not have Symbiotes then it was only right to see how the people lived ordinary lives one last time. So instead Peter and Felicia forgo the Royal entrance and Felicia even changed the color of her white hair to blonde to make it stick out less, a course the hair changed didn't make her any less beautiful and this was evident by many men's faces turning to look at her as she and Peter entered Villeneuve.

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