Chapter 32

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The next morning Amora woke up with a smile on her face as she found herself laying on top of a still sleeping Peter, who now relaxed cock was still halfway inside her pussy that was still dripping with his seed. Amora could sense by both her magic and Symbiote that something was just starting to grow inside her and she smiled slightly as she was about to go back to sleep when, 'Had a good night Amora?' Amora might've jump in surprise and wake up Peter but immediately her Symbiote alerted her that no one else was in the room and that the voice was Ororo speaking, thanks to Betsy, telepathy to her from her own room. 'Damn Ororo, you nearly gave me a heart attack.' Amora mentally replied 'Sorry, I forgot that you're new to telepath talk. Anyway, I take it you had a great time with Peter last night?'

'I'm definitely bless with his child, May will have another cousin to soon play with.' Amora answered with another smile on her lips, 'Well congratulations Amora, you couldn't have a better man to have as the kid father. Anyway after breakfast, I want you to come to my room, there something important I wish to discuss with you in person.' Ororo said 'I will come.' Amora replied 'Good, oh don't tell Pete, this is something between women.' Ororo added and the Goddess agreed before feeling the telepath link being separate just as Peter grunted and opened his eyes to see a beautiful blonde goddess looking back at him. "Morning Amora." He said and she felt a flutter in her heart at him speaking her name, "Good morning to thee." Amora replied as she leaned down to plant her lips against his in a slow deep kiss that quickly helped Peter wake up as he returned the kiss and Amora moan as she felt his cock grow hard inside her.

This prompted the two to go another few rounds of intercourse that filled Amora up with seed ended around the same time the sun had risen above the mountains to fill the room with light, after the two got cleaned up and dressed they headed hand in hand to join the other ladies in the dining room for breakfast. After eating Peter said he had to go deal with something in New Skrullos and left, meanwhile Amora went to his room where she expected just Ororo. What surprise her was to find all of Peter's wives, except Veranka since she was also in New Skrullos, Lorna was in Mutant Town and Crystal who was visiting her sister in Attilan, waiting in the room, "Thanks for coming Amora." Ororo said with a smile "So what is going on here?" Amora asked to which Sue answered "The start of your training?"

"And what training is that?" Amora questioned and Felicia answered "Well you see, since we are linked in minds there isn't much to hide from each other. Such as the fact that you have only ever had sexual interactions with one person, being Thor, and never more." Not seeing where this was going Amora replied "Yes that right, he was my husband and I took the faithfulness of being with him serious. Which Thor did too since it was just the two of us during those times." A flash memory of those times went through Amora's head and surprise to feel less then a hint of sadness to no longer be able to share another one of those moments and just managed to catch what Janet said, "And that is all well and good Amora, though that monogamous way is best for one husband and one wife, I had theories that maybe one of the reason Thor seem to grow distant is because you were one of three wives to one husband who had to satisfy them as well."

Amora started to feel fear creep into her heart 'What if Peter does the same.' To which the listening in Betsy answered "He wouldn't because we will help you." Grasping on the hopeful rope given Amora asked anxiously "How, please tell me what must be done?" And Ororo walked over to place a hand on her shoulder, "We will teach you in the ways of becoming a polyamorous woman, get undressed and go sit on the bed." Obeying the mortal Queen of York Amora nearly torn her green dress as she removed it before almost running to sit on the edge of the massive bed that the King sleeps before watching the other ladies also shed their clothes so they were all soon naked as the Asgardian. Who was surprise to feel self aware of her own nudity among theses other naked women as the dark skin white haired Mutant Queen approached completely unashamed by her nakedness and placed her hands on either side of Amora.

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