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"Ashton? What are you doing here? Didn't Ethan tell you not to go to the forest during dinner?"

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"Ashton? What are you doing here? Didn't Ethan tell you not to go to the forest during dinner?"

Colby looks between Ashton and I while Ashton just blinks at me. "I'm sorry, do I know you or something?" He asks.

"No." I answer, shaking my head.

He looks at Colby as if asking for help.

"I'm Warrior Scarlett Rose from the West," I extend my hand and he shakes it cautiously. "I met your brother and his wife before coming here. They gave me a place to stay for the night. I saw the pictures above their fireplace and Ethan told me about you, how was the dinner?"

Ashton still looks a bit confused but less tense than before. "I actually didn't go to dinner; I went to the forest before I had to and ended up here." He waves his hand around.

"Come back with us," Colby intervenes. "I have an apartment with food, heating, water, and clothes."

"And we should all stick together." I add.

"Okay then." Ashton says. I clap my hands and turn towards the door. "Let's get going boys!"

I start walking out of the abandoned building and feel Colby jog up next to me on my right. A few seconds later, Ashton joins on my left with his bag of snacks.

When we finally made it back to the apartment, the power had yet to be fixed

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When we finally made it back to the apartment, the power had yet to be fixed. Apparently, they need to change the cord entirely. We walk up the stairs since the elevators don't work and make our way in the dark to the room.

I can see perfectly fine in the dark and I'm guessing Colby and Ashton can somewhat see too since no one needed to hold my hand while walking.

We enter the room and Colby uses his powers to immediately turn everything back on again.

"Ashton, would you like some food?" I ask. He doesn't answer right away so I turn to him and see him looking around.

"Make yourself at, your temporary, home, I'll go make something." Colby says and walks into the kitchen.

I stand there toying with my ribbon ring watching Ashton soak everything up. He looks at the TV for longer. "Want to see it?" I ask. He turns to me and nods.

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